Installing Hadoop client bundles in Apache Karaf
With Hadoop running, we are ready to start utilizing the resources from Apache Karaf.
Getting ready
The ingredients of this recipe include the Apache Karaf distribution kit, access to JDK, and Internet connectivity. We also assume that an Apache Hadoop distribution is downloaded and installed. It can be downloaded from
How to do itβ¦
Hadoop's HDFS libraries aren't part of the standard Karaf feature library; so, we either have to write our own feature or manually install the necessary bundles for the client to run. Apache Camel does have this feature available via Camels HDFS2 component. We can either use Camel's existing feature or build the feature ourselves.
With the current version of Snappy Java used in the Camel feature, you will run into problems using native libraries with Java 7. This is a well-known issue and is being addressed in the 1.0.5 release of Snappy Java (