Webpack (https://webpack.js.org) is a de facto standard bundler for single-page applications. It analyzes dependencies between JavaScript modules, assets (styles, icons, and images) as well as other files in your application and bundles everything together. In Webpack, everything is a module . You can, for example, import a CSS file like a JavaScript file using require('./myfile.css') or import './myfile.css'.
Webpack can figure out the right processing strategy for imported files by means of the file extension and associated loader. It is not always reasonable to build one big bundle file. Webpack has various plugins to split your code and generate multiple bundle files. It can also load parts of your application asynchronously on demand (lazy loading). All these features make it a power tool. In this section, we will give a high-level overview of Webpack 2 core concepts and show essential steps for creating a Webpack-based Angular, PrimeNG application.
The project structure was kept the same as in the SystemJS-based setup.