Keywords are the backbone of your account, setting the stage for those who see your ads, as well as those who do not. They're a powerful method to connect to potential customers at the moment they are searching for you. Advertisers choose their own keywords in AdWords, and this process of choosing relevant keywords is vital to marketing success.
Many advertisers think that adding as many keywords as possible will boost traffic and generate more sales. However, that's not necessarily the case for AdWords, where adding too many irrelevant keywords can actually hurt you in the long run.
Keep in mind that some keywords are more relevant to your website than others and also have different conversion potential. If you choose to run ads on irrelevant keywords you might end up spending money on clicks that are unlikely to convert.
What's more, adding keywords in AdWords that are too general and irrelevant to your website will likely lead to low Quality Scores and might hurt your chances...