The scanning of printed pages will continue since paper publications, especially older archives, preserve mountains of information that needs to be available to a wider audience. Online distribution requires that PDF files can be searched, opened globally, and available for a very long time. From the very first step of scanning or taking a photo to a final searchable document, this chapter guided you on how to do it to get the best results.
You learned about the different scanning options, how to enhance a page that originated as a bitmap image, and finally, how to make text searchable, and why it is important to optimize a .
In the next chapter, we will go through the process of creating PDF files as a final output in a disciplined workflow using Microsoft Office PDFMaker, where fully featured PDFs are produced and exported from fully featured authored files. As you examine the final output, you will enjoy knowing that to accomplish all that, you do not need new tools. You already have them! And it will take no time to do it.