2.1 Tools for quantum computing: a non-exhaustive overview
In this book, we will work mostly with two quantum frameworks: Qiskit and PennyLane. These frameworks are powerful, very widely used, and are backed by strong user communities, but they are by no means the only interesting options available. There is currently a plethora of wonderful software frameworks for quantum computing, so much so that it can sometimes feel overwhelming!
2.1.1 A non-exhaustive survey of frameworks and platforms
In this section, we will briefly go through some of the most popular frameworks out there. Most of these frameworks are free, both as in free beer and as in free speech.
Quirk: We can begin with a simple yet powerful simulator of quantum circuits: Quirk (https://algassert.com/quirk). Unlike all the other frameworks that we will discuss, this one does not work with code, but with a graphical user interface that runs as a web application. This makes it ideal for running demonstrations of algorithms...