Chapter 12
Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks
Fake it ‘till you make it
— Someone, somewhere
So far, we have only dealt with quantum machine learning models in the context of supervised learning. In this final chapter of our QML journey, we will discuss the wonders and mysteries of a QML model that will lead us into the domain of unsupervised learning. We will discuss quantum versions of the famous Generative Adversarial Networks (often abbreviated as GANs) that are called Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks, quantum GANs, or QGANs.
In this chapter, you will learn what classical and quantum GANs are, what they are useful for, and how they can be used. We will begin from the basics, exploring the intuitive ideas that lead to the concept of a GAN. Then, we will get into some of the details and discuss QGANs. In particular, we will talk about the different types of QGANs out there and their (possible) advantages. You will also learn how to work with them using PennyLane...