The Qt team, in their blog, announced the official release of Qt with Python support. This is the first official of Qt framework with the support for Python and this release is tagged as Qt for Python 5.11.
Previously Python support for Qt developers was provided through the development of PySide module and now the work is said to have been done on PySide 2 to provide Qt for Python. However, Qt team has been working on the core Qt framework for quite some time to incorporate Python support and this is the first breakthrough in that direction. Adding to this, the Qt team has also informed that r version of Qt earlier than v5.11 will not support Python.
In the release notes, the team has mentioned that the following versions of Qt will continue supporting this project and make the support for Python, stable going ahead. This is said to be the preview release, with a list of known issues for early adopters. The team is hoping to receive the feedback from the users so that it can make the binding more smooth and rectify the bugs.
A lot of work has also gone into keeping the Qt syntax unchanged for flexible migration from C++, the de facto language for developing UI with Qt, to Python and the other way round. It mentions in the release blog, that the major roadblock in providing the Python binding for the C++ based Qt was the size of packages. This made the team to work on using external tools for Qt scripting with Python, which had resulted in the development of PySide in 2009. To extend the support for Python, the work has been done on C++ headers in Qt framework, so that the developers can write modules in Python. These efforts resulted in the latest PySide 2 which has very less overhead for using Python and Qt for GUI development.
The Qt team has worked on developing the documentation for this and has provided examples enables you to understand the binding. Along with the Python binding for the core Qt framework, the team has also extended support for various Qt toolkits like Qtwidgets and QML to build interactive GUI with Qt and Python.
For the early adopters of Qt for Python, to report a bug you use the Qt for Python project on bugreports.qt.io. The team can be reached on Freenode with #qt-pyside.