On 8th November, Mark Luckie, a former strategic partner manager for Facebook, posted an internal memo to Facebook Employees which opined how Facebook is “failing its black employees and its black users.” The memo was sent shortly before he left the company and just days after the New York Times report which threw Facebook under scrutiny for its leadership morals.
Mark Luckie, whose job was to handle the firm’s relationship with “influencers” focused on underrepresented voices, detailed a wide range of problems faced both, internally and externally, by the Black Community at Facebook.
He pointed out that Blacks are some of the most engaged and active members of Facebook's 2.2 billion-member community- more specifically, 63 percent of African Americans use Facebook to communicate with their family, and 60 percent use it to talk to their friends once a day, compared to 53 and 54 percent of the total U.S. population respectively (according to Facebook’s own research). Yet, many are unable to find a "safe space" for dialogue on the platform, find their accounts suspended indefinitely and their content being removed without notice.
Luckie’s memo states: “When determining where to allocate resources, ranking data such as followers, the greatest number of likes and shares, or yearly revenue are employed to scale features and products, the problem with this approach is Facebook teams are effectively giving more resources to the people who already have them. In doing so, Facebook is increasing the disparity of access between legacy individuals/brands and minority communities.”
"Facebook can't engender the trust of its black users if it can't maintain the trust of its black employees."
In the memo, Luckie congratulated the tech giant for increasing the number of black employees from 2 percent to 4 percent in 2018. That being said, he went to list down the many issues faced by employees and criticized the firm's human resources department for protecting managers instead of supporting employees in lieu of such incidents.
He said, "I've heard far too many stories from black employees of a colleague or manager calling them "hostile" or "aggressive" for simply sharing their thoughts in a manner not dissimilar from their non-black team members, a few black employees have reported being specifically dissuaded by their managers from becoming active in the [internal] Black@ group or doing "black stuff," even if it happens outside of work hours."
He pointed out the hypocrisy in the firm where buildings are covered with ‘Black Lives Matter' posters compared to actually appointing more black employees. The existing black employees are often hassled by security and viewed with suspicion by fellow employees.
“To feel like an oddity at your own place of employment because of the color of your skin while passing posters reminding you to be your authentic self feels in itself inauthentic”
He claimed that Black staffers at Facebook subdue their voices for the fear of risking or jeopardizing their professional relationships and career advancement.
Mr Luckie’s comments created waves around social media. What followed was a pattern we are all familiar with: ‘deny and deflect the blame’.
First came the public statement, from Facebook spokesman Anthony Harrison: “Over the last few years, we’ve been working diligently to increase the range of perspectives among those who build our products and serve the people who use them throughout the world. The growth in the representation of people from more diverse groups, working in many different functions across the company, is a key driver of our ability to succeed, we want to fully support all employees when there are issues reported and when there may be micro-behaviors that add up. We are going to keep doing all we can to be a truly inclusive company.”
As reported by BBC news, the statement was followed by an internal leak, that while Mr Luckie’s post was made public on Tuesday, it had been circulated at Facebook on 8th November. At that time, Ime Archibong, Facebook’s director of product partnerships responded to the memo.
On Tuesday, Mr Luckie posted his response on Twitter, suggesting Facebook’s tone publicly did not necessarily match what was said to him internally.
Mr. Luckie seemed to attempt to protect Mr. Archibong’s identity, however, missed out an ‘Ime’ in his tweet. Mr. Archibong- who is also black- has confirmed he wrote the comments.
He was disappointed that the conversation was made public, and described Mr Luckie’s note as “pretty self-serving and disingenuous” while accusing him of having a “selfish agenda and not one that has the best intentions of the community and people you likely consider friends at heart”.
The whole situation again suggests that Facebook is more concerned with not looking bad, rather than assessing if it is doing bad and what can it do to make its forum more approachable and safe for different members of the community.
Mark ends the memo with some recommendations for the company, some of these include:
After Marks memo went viral, many black employees from big tech companies came forward with their own stories of harassment at the workplace, including athlete Leslie Miller who tweeted:
The memo's publication comes on the same day that a Facebook executive was grilled by parliamentary leaders from nine different countries at a special hearing on disinformation in the United Kingdom.
You can head over Facebook’s Blog to read the memo in its entirety.
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