BPMN-BPEL round-tripping
We have demonstrated how to model the first version of a business process and translate it into BPEL Blueprint. As business processes change over time, new process versions occur. Therefore, the BPMN model and BPEL code have to be continuously synchronized. We will demonstrate this BPMN-BPEL round-tripping in the following sections.
Propagating changes from BPMN to BPEL
First, we will demonstrate how changes to BPMN model can be propagated to BPEL. Then, we will show how changes made in BPEL code can be propagated back to the BPMN model to keep both models in sync.
Modifying the BPMN model
Let us open the Oracle Business Process Architect again. We open our TravelApproval
business process in Designer module. We modify the process by adding a Notification activity at the end of the process flow. The modified model now looks like the following screenshot.
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Then we translate the new version of the process into BPEL Blueprint again, by selecting Transfer business process...