WP Greet Box
By Thaya Kareeson (http://omninoggin.com)
Why it's awesome: It just works, and it offers the user a direct call to action
Why it was picked: Simplicity and customizability

Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-greet-box/
Automatic Install search term: WP Greet Box
Geek level: Newbie
Configuration location: Settings | WP Greet Box
Used in: Posts, pages
WP Greet Box allows you to display custom messages to visitors, depending on where they originated from. For example, if a reader comes to your blog from Google Reader, the default message will welcome them as a "Google Reader" and give them the ability to subscribe to your blog's RSS feed. Similarly, when a visitor comes from Twitter, you can welcome the Twitter user with the option of following you on Twitter.