Building out a level
When I started using Unreal Engine, it took me a long time in order to create any type of new level. I would keep placing static meshes to hide areas of geometry that I missed or added in blocking volumes to make it actually possible to go through certain places. One of the key reasons I had problems with this, is because I didn't know how to create a good workflow and the key to mapping things very easily by using brushes in the Geometry Editing mode.
Getting ready
Minimize the Perspective viewport by clicking on the button in the top-right corner of the viewport (circled in the following image):

You will then see four windows and notice a grid of sorts in all the other viewports.

You can click on the same button in the top-right corner of any of the four windows to maximize it.
When in a different viewport, controls work a bit differently. Most importantly, right-clicking and dragging will pan the camera. For more information on the differences, refer to https...