Enabling the head to face in a given direction for tracking purposes
Animators can import any key frame animation as a sequence, but it is very hard to cover all the conditions whereby a part of a character will face or follow or track another moving object during gameplay. In the next lesson, we'll show how to use the AnimTree nodes to let you rotate a bone after assigning it a controller.
Getting ready
Fully load the Packt package by right-clicking on it in the Content Browser Packages List, then highlight the group Anims. Open the AnimTree Packt_CharTree_AimStart.
You can also find an example of Aim functionality in the AT_CH_Human AnimTree for upper body movement. For the case of the upper body on our character, we'll apply an offset control to the swimming physics blending. In the next screenshot, you can see our starting point where the PHYS_Swimming channel feeds a Forward directional sequence:
How to do it...
Right-click and add the node called New Animation Node | AnimNodeAimOffset....