So, we've seen how the Render Pipeline can use environment lighting, PBR Materials, Light GameObjects, and Probes to render realistic views of your scene. But wait! There's more! You can add post-processing effects to the fullscreen camera buffer image before it appears on the screen. Post-processing effects are often used to simulate the visual properties of a physical camera and film. Examples include Bloom (fringe lighting extending the border of extremely bright light), Color Grading (adjusts the color and luminance of the final images, like an Instagram filter), and Anti-aliasing (removing jaggy edges). You can stack a series of available effects that are processed in sequence.
For example, the Vignette effect darkens the edges of the image and leaves the center brighter. In VR, during a fast-paced scene (such as a racing game or roller coaster), or when teleporting, using a Vignette can help reduce motion...