Chapter 14: Creating Cross-Platform Apps with SwiftUI
SwiftUI makes it easy to take some or all the code written for one Apple platform and use it to create an app for another platform in the Apple ecosystem. For example, in this chapter, we create an iOS app and then reuse some of the components to create a macOS and a watchOS app.
When using Cross-Platform development in SwiftUI, we share common resources between each platform while creating other resources that are platform-specific. For example, models may be shared across platforms, but certain images and SwiftUI views would be made platform-specific. Creating platform-specific views allows us to follow platform-specific best-practice design guidelines and improve the user experience provided by our apps.
This chapter covers some of the Cross-Platform functionalities of SwiftUI with the following recipes:
- Creating an iOS app in SwiftUI
- Creating the macOS version of the iOS app
- Creating the watchOS version...