Running health checks
Redis is a powerful, yet simple-to-use, open source data structure server that is designed for high performance and scalability. One of the core principles behind Redis is simplicity, which is reflected both in its design and its architecture. And the question “Is my Redis ready?” finds its answer in the redis-cli tool.
Verifying whether the installation has been completed correctly is as simple as running the following command in a terminal window:
redis-cli –h -p 6379 PING PONG
This is the most reliable and secure way to check whether Redis is up and running. If it is, a PONG response message will be given. Failing that, an alternative message will be reported, as follows:
redis-cli –h -p 6379 PING LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory
Automating the health check for Redis is possible using the redis-cli executable. This means that scripts can be written to interpret the output message from...