Codis – a proxy-based high-performance Redis Cluster solution
In this chapter, we have introduced Twemproxy, a proxy-based sharding solution provided by Twitter. To solve the horizontal scalability limitation and the lack of the administration dashboard, the CodisLabs offers another Redis data sharding proxy called Codis. The performance, high-availability, and the usability of the Codis are highly superior to Twemproxy. Meanwhile, it's fully compatible with Twemproxy. In addition, a handy tool called the redis-port
is provided along with this proxy to perform the migration from the Redis/Twemproxy to Codis.
The architecture of Codis is shown in the following image.

The codis-server is a special Redis instance based on the redis-3.2.8 branch. Additional data structures and instructions are added for the slot-related operation and data migration. In the preceding diagram, we have three codis-servers, one master, and two slaves.
The codis-group is a group of codis-servers working as a partial...