The project goal
The project goal can be described in one sentence as follows: "Generate an alert using a red LED for any detected motion and display the normal condition using a green LED." In comprehensive list of goals, you will have to perform the following tasks to satisfy the mentioned project goal:
- Detect any motion in the environment as an event using a passive infrared (PIR) sensor
- Perform a blink action using a red LED for this event
- Otherwise, perform a blink action using a green LED
- Keep the system in loop after the action has been performed and wait for the next event
The project can be implemented as a DIY application or as part of other projects with minor modifications. The following are some examples where the concepts from this project can be utilized:
- As a DIY security system, to monitor movement in a room (
- In smart home applications, it can be used to automatically turn off lights if no one is present (http://www...