You will need the following to successfully execute the recipes in this chapter:
- Python 3.7+
- Python packages:
- pyalgotrading ($ pip install pyalgotrading)
- quandl ($pip install quandl) this is optional and only needed for the last recipe
The latest Jupyter Notebook for this chapter can be found on GitHub at
The following code will help you set up the broker connection with Zerodha, which will be used by all the recipes in this chapter. Please make sure you have followed these steps before trying out any of the recipes provided.
The first thing you need to do to set connectivity with the broker is to gather the required API keys. The broker provides unique keys to each customer, typically as api-key and api-secret key pairs. These API keys are chargeable, usually on a monthly subscription basis. You need to get your copies of api-key and api-secret from the broker website...