- aggregate-event-counts endpoint
- using / Applying the aggregate-event-counts endpoint
- URL, for documentation / Applying the aggregate-event-counts endpoint
- about / Creating new jobs in Dashing
- alerts
- creating, report processor used / Producing alerts
- creating, Nagios used / Using Nagios
- Icinga, discovering / Discovering Icinga and Shinken
- Shinken, discovering / Discovering Icinga and Shinken
- assets directory
- about / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- Atlassian JIRA
- about / Raising issues with JIRA
- audit metaparameter
- about / Compliance monitoring with Puppet
- basic query application
- creating / Creating a basic query application
- setting up / Setting up the basic application
- connecting, to PuppetDB / Connecting to PuppetDB
- results, extracting / Outputting results
- Boundary
- URL / Rediscovering dashboards
- built-in report processors
- utilizing / Utilizing the built-in report processors
- reports, storing with store report processor / Storing reports with the store report processor
- log files, adding with log report processor / Adding to logfiles with the log report processor
- graphing, with rrdgraph report processor / Graphing with the rrdgraph processor
- tagmail report processor / The tagmail report processor
- reports, sending with HTTP report processor / Sending reports with the HTTP report processor
- PuppetDB report processor / The PuppetDB report processor
- third-party report processors, exploring / Exploring the power of third-party plugins
- catalogs endpoint
- using / Getting the run details with the catalogs endpoint
- catalog wire format
- URL, for documentation / Getting the run details with the catalogs endpoint
- choice function
- about / Setting up the UI
- collectd
- URL / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- about / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- command interface
- about / Understanding the command interface
- replace catalog function / Understanding the command interface
- replace facts function / Understanding the command interface
- store report function / Understanding the command interface
- deactivate node function / Understanding the command interface
- command_line_reporter gem
- about / Outputting results
- compliance monitoring
- with Puppet / Compliance monitoring with Puppet
- createdb command / Creating the PostgreSQL database
- createuser command / Creating your database user
- dashboard
- advantages / Why use a dashboard?
- creating / Creating our dashboard
- layout, creating / Creating our dashboard layout
- trends, adding / Adding trends
- meters, adding / Adding meters
- rediscovering / Rediscovering dashboards
- dashboards directory
- about / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- Dashing
- about / Exploring Dashing
- overview / Exploring Dashing
- URL, for downloading / Exploring Dashing
- reference link / Exploring Dashing
- installing / Setting up Dashing
- puppetdash directory / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- executing / Running Dashing
- data, feeding / Feeding data into Dashing
- jobs, creating / Creating new jobs in Dashing
- dashing start command / Creating our dashboard layout
- data
- feeding, into Dashing / Feeding data into Dashing
- data-col tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- data-id tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- data-row tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- data-title tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- data-view tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- deactivate node function
- about / Understanding the command interface
- .erb file
- about / Adding meters
- e-mail alert
- creating / Alerting with e-mail and Puppet
- endpoints
- about / Exploring endpoints
- facts endpoint, using / Using the facts endpoint
- resources endpoint, using / Using the resources endpoint
- nodes endpoint / Retrieving details about nodes
- catalogs endpoint, using / Getting the run details with the catalogs endpoint
- fact-names endpoint, using / Understanding the fact-names endpoint
- metrics endpoint, using / Knowing the status of PuppetDB with the metrics endpoint
- reports endpoint, using / Using the reports endpoint
- events endpoint, using / Working with the events endpoint
- event-counts endpoint, using / Using the event-counts endpoint
- aggregate-event-counts endpoint, using / Applying the aggregate-event-counts endpoint
- server-time endpoint, using / Using the server-time endpoint
- version endpoint, using / The version endpoint
- Etsy Skyline
- used, for analysing metrics / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- using / Using Etsy Skyline to find your normal
- event-counts endpoint
- using / Using the event-counts endpoint
- URL, for documentation / Using the event-counts endpoint
- about / Fetching the event counts
- event counts
- fetching / Fetching the event counts
- Event Inspector
- about / Event Inspector
- events
- adding, to MySQL / Adding metrics and events to MySQL
- events data
- presenting / Presenting the events data
- events endpoint
- using / Working with the events endpoint
- URL, for documentation / Working with the events endpoint
- about / Presenting the events data
- External Node Classifiers (ENC)
- about / Exploring Dashing
- External Node Classifiers (ENCs)
- about / Why use a dashboard?
- .first method
- about / Fetching the event counts
- fact-names endpoint
- using / Understanding the fact-names endpoint
- Facter
- about / Learning the basics of Puppet reporting
- Facter 1.7
- about / Learning the basics of Puppet reporting
- facts endpoint
- about / Using the facts endpoint
- using / Using the facts endpoint
- URL, for documentation / Using the facts endpoint
- querying, in menu-driven PuppetDB application / Querying PuppetDB's facts endpoint
- fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
- about / Outputting results
- Graphite
- used, for analysing metrics / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- URL / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- and Puppet used, for tracking changes / Tracking changes with Puppet and Graphite
- hardware report
- extracting, from menu-driven PuppetDB application / Outputting the hardware report
- header method
- about / Outputting the hardware report
- HighLine
- about / Setting up the UI
- HTTP report processor
- reports, sending with / Sending reports with the HTTP report processor
- HyperSQL Database (HSQLDB)
- about / A brief history of PuppetDB
- Icinga
- discovering / Discovering Icinga and Shinken
- URL / Discovering Icinga and Shinken
- insert function
- about / Logging with MySQL
- installation, Dashing
- about / Setting up Dashing
- installation, PostgreSQL / Installing PostgreSQL
- installation, PuppetDB / Installing PuppetDB
- installation, report processor
- about / Understanding a report processor
- installation, Twitter / Getting social with Twitter
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
- about / Monitoring changes and alerting with Puppet
- issues
- raising, with JIRA / Raising issues with JIRA
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
- about / A brief history of PuppetDB
- JAVA_ARGS= / Increasing the JVM heap space
- issues, raising with / Raising issues with JIRA
- jobs
- creating, in Dashing / Creating new jobs in Dashing
- jobs directory
- about / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- .last method
- about / Creating the PuppetDB query method
- layout, dashboard
- creating / Creating our dashboard layout
- lib directory
- about / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- load balancer
- about / Understanding a report processor
- logging
- with MySQL / Logging with MySQL
- log report processor
- log files, adding with / Adding to logfiles with the log report processor
- MCollective
- about / Puppet Live Management
- MCollective project
- URL / Using Puppet to drive orchestration
- menu-driven PuppetDB application
- creating / Creating a menu-driven PuppetDB application
- UI, setting up / Setting up the UI
- facts endpoint, querying / Querying PuppetDB's facts endpoint
- hardware report, extracting / Outputting the hardware report
- testing / Testing our application
- meters
- adding, to dashboard / Adding meters
- metrics
- adding, to MySQL / Adding metrics and events to MySQL
- analysing, with StatsD / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- analysing, with Graphite / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- analysing, with Etsy Skyline / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- metrics endpoint
- using / Knowing the status of PuppetDB with the metrics endpoint
- URL, for documentation / Knowing the status of PuppetDB with the metrics endpoint
- about / Creating new jobs in Dashing
- using / Logging with MySQL
- events, adding to / Adding metrics and events to MySQL
- metrics, adding to / Adding metrics and events to MySQL
- Nagios
- used, for creating alerts / Using Nagios
- New Relic
- URL / Rediscovering dashboards
- about / Setting up the server
- nodes endpoint
- using / Retrieving details about nodes
- about / Creating new jobs in Dashing
- Object-relational Mapping (ORM)
- about / Logging with MySQL
- OpenJDK
- about / Installing PuppetDB
- PagerDuty
- about / Staying on top of alerts with PagerDuty
- using / Staying on top of alerts with PagerDuty
- URL / Staying on top of alerts with PagerDuty
- Parser
- about / Learning the basics of Puppet reporting
- perspectives
- about / Event Inspector
- Phusion Passenger
- about / Exploring the Puppet configuration file
- PostgreSQL
- installing / Installing PostgreSQL
- installing, from packages / Installing the packages
- database user, creating / Creating your database user
- database, creating / Creating the PostgreSQL database
- public directory
- about / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- Puppet
- report processor configuration, managing with / Managing your report processor configuration with Puppet
- report processor, alerting with / Monitoring changes and alerting with Puppet
- report processor, monitoring with / Monitoring changes and alerting with Puppet
- compliance, monitoring with / Compliance monitoring with Puppet
- and Graphite used, for tracking changes / Tracking changes with Puppet and Graphite
- using, to drive orchestration / Using Puppet to drive orchestration
- Puppet agent
- about / Learning the basics of Puppet reporting
- setting up / Setting up the Puppet agent
- PuppetBoard
- about / Discovering PuppetBoard
- URL, for installing / Discovering PuppetBoard
- Puppet configuration file
- about / Exploring the Puppet configuration file
- [main] configuration block / Exploring the Puppet configuration file
- [master] configuration block / Exploring the Puppet configuration file
- [agent] configuration block / Exploring the Puppet configuration file
- Puppet Dashboard
- feature list / The Puppet Dashboard feature list
- overview / Understanding Puppet Dashboard
- URL / Understanding Puppet Dashboard
- Puppet Dashboard, feature list
- ENC / The Puppet Dashboard feature list
- Reporting / The Puppet Dashboard feature list
- Class Discovery / The Puppet Dashboard feature list
- PuppetDB Integration / The Puppet Dashboard feature list
- MCollective Integration / The Puppet Dashboard feature list
- puppetdash directory
- about / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- widgets / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- public / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- lib / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- jobs / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- assets / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- dashboards / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- PuppetDB
- history / A brief history of PuppetDB
- URL, for scaling recommendations / A brief history of PuppetDB
- installing / Installing PuppetDB
- installing, from packages / Installing PuppetDB from packages
- JVM heap space, increasing / Increasing the JVM heap space
- basic query application, connecting to / Connecting to PuppetDB
- querying, for report information / Querying PuppetDB for report information
- query method, creating / Creating the PuppetDB query method
- event counts, fetching / Fetching the event counts
- events data, presenting / Presenting the events data
- menu-driven PuppetDB application, testing / Testing our application
- PuppetDB API
- about / Exploring the PuppetDB query API
- command interface / Exploring the PuppetDB query API, Understanding the command interface
- query interface / Exploring the PuppetDB query API, Understanding the query API interface
- PuppetDB query API
- about / Exploring the PuppetDB query API, Understanding the query API interface
- PuppetDB query language / A primer on the PuppetDB query language
- endpoints / Exploring endpoints
- PuppetDB query language
- about / A primer on the PuppetDB query language
- using / A primer on the PuppetDB query language
- PuppetDB query method
- creating / Creating the PuppetDB query method
- PuppetDB report processor
- about / The PuppetDB report processor
- PuppetDB server
- setting up / Setting up the PuppetDB server
- PuppetDB, installing / Installing PuppetDB
- PostgreSQL, installing / Installing PostgreSQL
- Puppet Enterprise Console
- about / Exploring Puppet Enterprise Console
- Event Inspector / Event Inspector
- Puppet Live Management / Puppet Live Management
- URL, for downloading / Puppet Live Management
- Puppet Forge
- about / Understanding a report processor
- URL / Understanding a report processor
- Puppet Labs
- URL / Learning the basics of Puppet reporting, Setting up the Puppet agent
- Puppet Live Management
- about / Puppet Live Management
- Puppet master
- about / Learning the basics of Puppet reporting
- Puppet Open Source
- using / Learning the basics of Puppet reporting
- Puppet reporting
- about / Learning the basics of Puppet reporting
- features / Looking back at what we've learned
- Puppet server
- using / Exploring the Puppet configuration file
- setting up / Setting up the server
- replace catalog function
- about / Understanding the command interface
- replace facts function
- about / Understanding the command interface
- reporting
- with The Foreman / Reporting with The Foreman
- report processor
- about / Understanding a report processor, The anatomy of a report processor
- overview / Understanding a report processor
- installing / Understanding a report processor
- creating / Creating a basic report processor
- registering / Registering your report processor
- describing / Describing your report processor
- processing / Processing your report
- self.status object / Values of the self.status object
- e-mail alert, creating / Alerting with e-mail and Puppet
- monitoring, with Puppet / Monitoring changes and alerting with Puppet
- alerting, with Puppet / Monitoring changes and alerting with Puppet
- used, for creating alerts / Producing alerts
- report processor configuration
- managing, with Puppet / Managing your report processor configuration with Puppet
- report processors
- built-in report processors, utilizing / Utilizing the built-in report processors
- reports endpoint
- using / Using the reports endpoint
- URL, for documentation / Using the reports endpoint
- resources endpoint
- about / Using the resources endpoint
- using / Using the resources endpoint
- URL, for documentation / Using the resources endpoint
- about / A brief history of PuppetDB
- about / Graphing with the rrdgraph processor
- rrdgraph report processor
- used, for graphing / Graphing with the rrdgraph processor
- Ruby
- URL, for documentation / Logging with MySQL
- Ruby Version Manager (RVM)
- URL, for installation / Creating a basic query application
- rufus-scheduler
- about / Feeding data into Dashing
- URL / Creating new jobs in Dashing
- self.status object
- about / Values of the self.status object
- skipped value / Values of the self.status object
- failed value / Values of the self.status object
- failed_to_restart value / Values of the self.status object
- restarted value / Values of the self.status object
- changed value / Values of the self.status object
- out_of_sync value / Values of the self.status object
- send_event method
- about / Creating new jobs in Dashing
- Sensu
- URL / Discovering Icinga and Shinken
- about / Discovering Icinga and Shinken
- sequel library
- about / Logging with MySQL
- server-time endpoint
- using / Using the server-time endpoint
- URL, for documentation / Using the server-time endpoint
- Shinken
- discovering / Discovering Icinga and Shinken
- URL / Discovering Icinga and Shinken
- Shopify
- URL / Exploring Dashing
- Sinatra
- about / Exploring Dashing
- StatsD
- used, for analysing metrics / Analyzing metrics with StatsD, Graphite, and Etsy Skyline
- store report function
- about / Understanding the command interface
- store report processor
- reports, storing with / Storing reports with the store report processor
- strftime function
- about / Logging with MySQL
- strftime method
- about / Logging with MySQL
- Sun JDK
- about / Installing PuppetDB
- Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS)
- about / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- table method
- about / Outputting results
- tagmail report processor
- about / The tagmail report processor, Alerting with e-mail and Puppet
- URL, for documentation / The tagmail report processor
- The Foreman
- about / Using The Foreman
- using / Using The Foreman
- reporting, with / Reporting with The Foreman
- trends, viewing in / Looking at trends in The Foreman
- third-party applications
- about / A final note on third-party applications
- third-party report processors
- exploring / Exploring the power of third-party plugins
- trends
- about / Reporting with The Foreman
- viewing, in The Foreman / Looking at trends in The Foreman
- adding, to dashboard / Adding trends
- Twitter
- about / Getting social with Twitter
- URL / Getting social with Twitter
- installing / Getting social with Twitter
- UI
- setting up, for menu-driven PuppetDB application / Setting up the UI
- Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
- about / Logging with MySQL
- Universal Resource Identifier (URI)
- about / Connecting to PuppetDB
- version endpoint
- using / The version endpoint
- URL, for documentation / The version endpoint
- widget, options
- data-row tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- data-col tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- data-id tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- data-view tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- data-title tag / Creating our dashboard layout
- additional tags / Creating our dashboard layout
- widgets directory
- about / Exploring the default puppetdash directory layout
- URL / Logging with MySQL
- URL / Setting up the server