Setting up and a quick execution of Flink
There are different ways to set up Flink, that is building from source or downloading and extracting it. Both ways are explained in the following sections.
Build Flink source
Download the source from or clone Git repository
To clone from Git, enter the following command:
git clone
Maven 3.0.3 and Java 8 are required to build Flink. Use the following command to build Flink using Maven:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
If you want to build Flink with different version of hadoop then use:
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dhadoop.version=2.6.1
Download Flink
Download the latest version of Flink (1.1.4) from, as shown in the following screenshot:
Extract the downloaded Flink-1.1.4-bin-hadoop27-scala_2.11.tgz
file using the following commands:
mkdir demo
mv /home/ubuntu/downloads/Flink-1.1.4-bin-hadoop27-scala_2.11.tgz ~/demo...