Implementing partitioning
In this recipe we are going to cover table partitioning and show the steps that are needed to partition a table.
Getting ready
Exposure to database design and normalization is needed.
How to do it...
There are a series of steps that need to be carried out to set up table partitioning. Here are the steps:
The first step is to create a master table with all fields. A master table is the table that will be used as a base to partition data into other tables, that is, partitions. An index is optional here for a master table; however, since there are performance benefits of using an index, we are creating an index from a performance perspective:
CREATE TABLE country_log ( created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT NOW(), country_code char(2), content text ); CREATE INDEX country_code_idx ON country_log USING btree (country_code);
The next step is to create...