Yet another node type left behind by progress, the Group node was the way earlier PostgreSQL versions implemented GROUP BY
. It required that the input data was sorted by the grouping column set. As of PostgreSQL 7.4 that's commonly done by a HashAggregate instead:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT state,COUNT(*) FROM customers GROUP BY state; QUERY PLAN ---------- HashAggregate (cost=776.00..776.64 rows=51 width=3) (actual time=85.793..85.916 rows=52 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on customers (cost=0.00..676.00 rows=20000 width=3) (actual time=0.010..33.447 rows=20000 loops=1) Total runtime: 86.103 ms
You can once again see the old behavior by turning off this optimization:
SET enable_hashagg=off; EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT state,count(*) FROM customers GROUP BY state; QUERY PLAN ---------- GroupAggregate (cost=2104.77..2255.41 rows=51 width=3) (actual time=223.696..281.414 rows=52 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=2104.77..2154.77 rows=20000 width=3) (actual time=223.043..252.766 rows...