In this chapter, you learned about potential problems in OOP code when migrating to PHP 8. In the first section, you learned how a number of bad practices were allowed in PHP 7 and earlier versions, but now represent a potential code break in PHP 8. With this knowledge, you are a better developer and can deliver high-quality code to benefit your company.
In the next section, you learned good habits when using magic methods. Potential code breaks can occur because PHP 8 now enforces a degree of consistency not seen in earlier versions of PHP. These inconsistencies involve class constructor usage and certain aspects of magic method usage. The following section taught you about PHP serialization and how changes made in PHP 8 can make your code more resilient and less vulnerable to errors or attacks during the serialize and unserialize process.
In this chapter, you also learned about enhanced PHP 8 support for covariant return types and contravariant parameters. Having knowledge...