Escalating from subscription Owner to Azure AD roles
As part of a pentest, you could also be interested in pivoting from an Azure subscription to Azure AD. This objective could be part of an attack chain that has a goal of opening backdoors in Azure AD for persistence. We will cover the topic of persistence in Chapter 8, Persisting in Azure Environments. Here are some techniques that could be leveraged to achieve this.
Path 1 – Exploiting privileged service principals
Similar to user accounts, service principals and managed identities can also be assigned to Azure AD roles. Many attackers consider service principals and managed identities to be easier targets as they are usually excluded from security policies such as conditional access and MFA.
An attacker could exploit the privileges of an Azure AD account with rights to service principals or managed identities to gain access to the security privileged principals. This is a possible path, but it may be rare for you...