Reducing the audit level
In this recipe, we'll look at controlling the level of auditing performed by the BPEL engine when executing our processes.
Getting ready
You will need to install SOA Suite with the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control component to use this recipe.
How to do it...
Follow these steps to control the audit level:
Follow steps 1 to 3 in the Tuning SOA engine dispatcher invoke threads recipe, to get to the BPEL Service Engine properties page.
Set Audit Level to a lower value, such as Minimal:
Click on Apply in the top-right corner to persist these changes to the SOA domain.
How it works...
BPEL processes that execute in the runtime engine generate logging events that allow inspection in the Enterprise Manager console; these writes to the database are synchronous and blocking. Typically, it is rare that the operations teams will want to comb through every execution of a composite in production, if it is running successfully. This information is only made available in the...