Chapter 5. Using PostgreSQL with OpenShift Applications
This chapter presents a number of recipes that show you how to get started with the OpenShift PostgreSQL database cartridge. You will learn how to add and manage the PostgreSQL cartridge, how to take backups of a PostgreSQL database, how to list and install PostgreSQL extensions, and how to use the EnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Cloud Database service with OpenShift applications. The specific recipes within this chapter are:
- Adding the PostgreSQL cartridge to your application
- Accessing the PostgreSQL cartridge from your local machine
- Connecting to the PostgreSQL cartridge using pgAdmin from your local machine
- Updating the PostgreSQL max_connections setting
- Using the .psqlrc configuration file to configure the OpenShift application psql shell
- Performing scheduled PostgreSQL database backups
- Using EnterpriseDB PostgreSQL Cloud Database with OpenShift
- Installing PostgreSQL extensions