- absolute path / Understanding the code—Line by line
- activate() event / Time for Action – creating a custom TYPE_TOGGLE control
- activate() function, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control functions
- activateControl() method / What Just Happened?
- activateControl method / What Just Happened?
- addControl method / Time for Action – creating a simple button
- addEventListener method / Time For Action – adding dynamic tags to your map
- addLayer function / Creating layer objects
- addLayers function / Time for Action – configuring the options parameter
- addOptions( options ) function / Layer class method definitions
- addUniqueValueRules function / Calling the addUniqueValueRules function
- addUniqueValueRules method / How do we follow rules?
- addUnqiueValueRules method / Using addUniqueValueRules
- alert() function / Time for Action – executing code in the Console
- allOverlays property, Map class
- about / allOverlayers
- using / Time for Action – using the allOverlays Map property, What Just Happened?
- alpha, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- API / Note on APIs
- API documentation
- about / API docs, API documentation
- ArcGIS layer documentation
- reference link / Layer.ArcGIS93Rest
- ArcGIS Server REST API
- reference link / Layer.ArcGIS93Rest
- area, map projections characteristics
- about / Area
- argParser control
- about / JavaScript object notation
- ArgParser control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses / OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser
- arguments
- about / Programming with OOP
- attribute replacement
- about / Attribute replacement
- working with / Time For Action – working with attribute replacement, What Just Happened?
- attributes property / Time for Action – adding some interactivity
- attribution, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- Attribution control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.Attribution
- separator property / Attribution properties
- div property / Attribution properties
- using / Time for Action – using attributions
- autoActivate property, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control properties
- base layer
- about / Base layer
- BBOX parameter / BBOX parameter
- beforefeatureadded event / Time For Action – using Vector Layer events
- Bing (Microsoft) Maps
- about / OpenLayers and third party APIs
- Bing/Virtual Earth Layer
- creating / Time for Action – creating a Bing/Virtual Earth Layer, What Just Happened?
- Bing Maps
- about / Microsoft's mapping API
- build file, OpenLayer
- configuring / Configuring the build script
- config file, building / Time for Action – building a Config file, What Just Happened?
- build script, OpenLayer
- running / Running the build script, Time for Action – running the Build script, What Just Happened?
- Button subclass, controls
- about / OpenLayers.Control.Button
- type property / Button properties
- displayClass property / Button properties
- trigger() function / Button functions
- calculateInRange() function / Layer class method definitions
- changelayer event / What Just Happened?
- characteristics, map projections
- area / Area
- scale / Scale
- shape / Shape
- distance / Other characteristics
- bearing / Other characteristics
- direction / Other characteristics
- class events, Vector Layer
- about / Vector Layer class events
- event types / Vector Layer event types
- Client / Server Model, web mapping application
- about / Anatomy of a web-mapping application
- client side, OpenLayers
- about / Client side
- clone() method / What Just Happened?
- Clustering class / Using the Vector Layer without a Protocol class
- code
- working / How the code works
- understanding, line by line / Understanding the code—Line by line
- JavaScript object notation / JavaScript object notation
- Comparison class, Filter class subclasses
- about / Filter.Comparison
- Value property / Filter.Comparison Value property
- types, BETWEEN / Filter Type: BETWEEN
- types / Filter Type: BETWEEN, Filter Type: GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, Filter Type: NOT_EQUAL_TO
- types, EQUAL_TO / Filter Type: EQUAL_TO
- types, GREATER_THAN / Filter Type: GREATER_THAN
- types, LESS_THAN / Filter Type: LESS_THAN
- types, LIKE / Filter Type: LIKE
- types, NOT_EQUAL_TO / Filter Type: NOT_EQUAL_TO
- console.log()
- about / Object literals
- console panel, Firebug
- about / Console panel
- enabling / Console panel
- using / Using the Console panel
- console log area / Using the Console panel
- input area / Using the Console panel
- code, executing / Time for Action – executing code in the Console, What Just Happened?
- object literals, creating / Time for Action – creating object literals
- API documentation / API documentation
- Constructor / Layer.WMS class
- Control.SelectFeature class
- about / Control.SelectFeature class
- properties / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- methods / SelectFeature control methods
- Control class / OpenLayers.Control class
- control related functions, Map class
- addControl () / Control related
- addControls() / Control related
- getControl () / Control related
- getControlsByClass () / Control related
- removeControl() / Control related
- using / Time for Action – using control methods
- controls
- about / What are controls?
- ScaleLine control / What are controls?
- ArgParser control / What are controls?
- OverviewMap control / What are controls?
- using, in OpenLayers / Using controls in OpenLayers
- Navigation control / Using controls in OpenLayers
- adding, to map / Adding controls to your map
- removing, ways / Removing controls
- panel control / Panels
- creating / Creating our own controls
- controls, adding to map
- methods / Adding controls to your map
- OpenLayers.Control.Navigation / Adding controls to your map
- OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom / Adding controls to your map
- OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser / Adding controls to your map
- OpenLayers.Control.Attribution / Adding controls to your map
- map creating, no controls used / Time for Action – creating a map with no controls, What Just Happened?
- steps / Time for Action – adding controls to a map, What Just Happened?, Have a go hero – add controls
- passing, in array of controls / Adding controls by passing in an array of controls
- addControls() method, using / Adding controls to map with addControl() and addControls()
- addControl() method, using / Adding controls to map with addControl() and addControls()
- controls, creating
- Button subclass / Creating our own controls
- controls property, Map class / controls
- control types, panel control
- OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON / Control types
- OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOGGLE / Control types
- OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL / Control types
- panel class, using / Time for Action – using Panels, What Just Happened?
- Panel control / OpenLayers.Control.Panel
- coordinate transforms
- about / Time for Action – coordinate transforms
- about / What is CSS?
- purpose / Ideas behind CSS and HTML
- editing / Editing CSS
- HTML elements, styling / Styling HTML elements with CSS
- using, in HTML / Using CSS in your code
- external files, using / Time for Action – using external CSS files
- viewing, in Firebug / Have a Go Hero – view HTML and CSS in Firebug
- inheritance, order / Order of inheritance
- and OpenLayer / OpenLayers and CSS
- CSS panel, Firebug
- about / CSS panel
- custom button
- requirements / Creating a custom button
- simple button, creating / Time for Action – creating a simple button
- other control types / Other control types
- other control types, creating / Process for creating other button control types
- custom projections
- defining / Defining custom projections
- custom_button_func function / Time for Action – creating a simple button
- data types
- about / Data types
- {Array} / Data types
- {Boolean} / Data types
- {Float} / Data types
- {Integer} / Data types
- {Object} / Data types
- {OpenLayers.______} / Data types
- {String} / Data types
- deactivate() function, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control functions
- destroy() function, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control functions
- Dev list
- about / Mailing lists
- different projection
- using / Time for Action – using different projection codes, What Just Happened?
- specifying / Specifying a different projection
- displayClass property, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control properties
- displayInLayerSwitcher, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- displayInLayerSwitcher property / wms_state_lines layer options
- displayOutsideMaxExtent, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- displayProjection property
- about / Time for Action – using Spherical Mercator
- displayProjection property, Map class / displayProjection
- distance property / Feature.Spatial
- div property, Map class
- about / div
- div property, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control properties
- DOM (Document Object Model) elements / JavaScript object notation
- DOM panel, Firebug
- about / DOM panel
- dot notation
- about / Object literals
- draw() function, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control functions
- EditingToolbar / Time For Action – creating your first mashup
- EditingToolbar control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar
- about / EPSG codes
- EPSG code, Spherical Mercator
- about / Spherical Mercator—EPSG code
- EPSG codes
- about / EPSG codes
- event
- about / Events
- event listener / Event listeners and handlers
- event handler / Event listeners and handlers
- custom events / Custom events
- TYPE_TOGGLE control, creating / Creating a TYPE_TOGGLE control, Time for Action – creating a custom TYPE_TOGGLE control, What Just Happened?
- activate() / Time for Action – creating a custom TYPE_TOGGLE control
- zoomend / Time for Action – working with Map events
- changelayer event / What Just Happened?
- moveend event / Time for Action – creating a multiple map and custom event application
- eventListeners, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- eventListeners property, Map class / eventListeners
- eventListeners property, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control properties
- event object
- accessing / Event object
- map events, working with / Time for Action – working with Map events, What Just Happened?
- events
- browser events / Doing stuff with events
- map events / Doing stuff with events
- map events, types / Map event types
- map events, using / Using map events, Time for Action – using eventListeners, Using
- event object / Event object
- events, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- event types, Vector Layer
- about / Vector Layer event types
- afterfeaturemodified / Vector Layer event types
- beforefeatureadded / Vector Layer event types
- beforefeaturesadded / Vector Layer event types
- beforefeaturemodified / Vector Layer event types
- beforefeatureremoved / Vector Layer event types
- beforefeaturesremoved / Vector Layer event types
- featureadded / Vector Layer event types
- featuresadded / Vector Layer event types
- featuremodified / Vector Layer event types
- featureremoved / Vector Layer event types
- featuresremoved / Vector Layer event types
- featureselected / Vector Layer event types
- featureunselected / Vector Layer event types
- refresh / Vector Layer event types
- sketchcomplete / Vector Layer event types
- sketchmodified / Vector Layer event types
- sketchstarted / Vector Layer event types
- vertexmodified / Vector Layer event types
- using / Time For Action – using Vector Layer events
- working with / Time For Actions – working with more events
- example, converting into application
- about / Turning our example into an application
- interactivity, adding / Adding interactivity, Time for Action – adding some interactivity, What Just Happened?
- features, selecting / Selecting features
- Extent/Coordinate/Bounds related functions, Map class
- about / Extent/Coordinate/Bounds related
- getCenter() method / Methods
- getExtent() method / Methods
- getMaxExtent() method / Methods
- getMaxResolution() method / Methods
- getNumZoomLevels() method / Methods
- getResolution() method / Methods
- getResolutionForZoom() method / Methods
- getScale() / Methods
- getZoomForExtent() method / Methods
- getZoomForResolution() method / Methods
- isValidLonLat() method / Methods
- isValidZoomLevel() method / Methods
- pan() method / Methods
- panTO() method / Methods
- zoomIn() method / Methods
- zoomOut() method / Methods
- zoomTo() method / Methods
- zoomToExtent() method / Methods
- zoomToMaxExtent() method / Methods
- coordinate related functions, using / Time for Action – using coordinate related functions
- externalGraphic property / Adding interactivity
- ExtJS
- URL / Other resources
- extractAttributes parameter / Time for Action – adding some interactivity
- fallThrough property, Map class / fallThrough
- Feature class
- about / Geometry and Feature classes
- working / How the Feature class works
- subclasses / Feature subclasses
- functions / Feature functions
- object, instantiating / Instantiating a feature object
- interacting with, Control.SelectFeature used / Interacting with Features using Control.SelectFeature
- SelectFeature control, using / Time For Action – using the SelectFeature control, What Just Happened?
- Features / What is the Vector Layer?
- features, OpenLayers / Why use OpenLayers?
- featureselected event / Time For Action – using the SelectFeature control
- featureunselected event / Time For Action – using the SelectFeature control
- feeds / Accessing the Flickr public data feeds
- Filter class
- about / OpenLayers.Filter class
- subclasses / Filter Subclasses
- Feature IDs / Filter.FeatureId
- Logical / Feature.Logical
- logical filters, locating / Time For Action – figuring out logical filters
- Spatial class / Feature.Spatial
- filters
- about / Rules and filters
- working / How do they work?
- using / How do we use them?, Time for Action – using rules and filters, What Just Happened?
- Firebug
- about / What is Firebug?
- features / What is Firebug?
- setting up / Setting up Firebug
- downloading / Time for Action – downloading Firebug
- installing / Time for Action – downloading Firebug, What Just Happened?
- controls / Firebug controlsFirebugcontrols
- panel conclusion / Panel conclusion
- console panel, using / Using the Console panel
- CSS, viewing / Have a Go Hero – view HTML and CSS in Firebug
- HTML, viewing / Have a Go Hero – view HTML and CSS in Firebug
- Firebug controls
- Firebug icon / Firebug controlsFirebugcontrols
- Page Inspector icon / Firebug controlsFirebugcontrols
- panels / Panels
- Firebug icon
- about / Firebug controlsFirebugcontrols
- Fixed strategy class / Example instantiation
- Flickr
- web map application, creating / Creating a web map application using Flickr
- Flickr data, obtaining
- steps / Time For Action – getting Flickr data, What Just Happened?
- need for / Why did we do this?
- errors, reducing / Reducing possible errors
- adding, to map / Time for Action – adding data to your map
- extractStyles, using / Time for Action – extract style, What Just Happened?
- Format class / Format classFormat class
- about / Format class
- properties / Format class properties
- methods / Format class methods
- subclasses / Format subclasses
- format parameter / Accessing the Flickr public data feeds
- functions, Feature class
- destroy() / Feature functions
- clone() / Feature functions
- getVisibility() / Feature functions
- move(location) / Feature functions
- onScreen(boundsOnly) / Feature functions
- functions, Map class
- about / Map functions
- control related / Control related
- Extent/Coordinate/Bounds related / Extent/Coordinate/Bounds related
- layer related / Layer related functions
- destroy() / Other functions
- getLonLatFromPixel() / Other functions
- getPixelFromLonLat() / Other functions
- render() / Other functions
- updateSize() / Other functions
- functions, OpenLayers.Control class
- destroy() / OpenLayers.Control functions
- moveTo(location) / OpenLayers.Control functions
- activate() / OpenLayers.Control functions
- deactivate() / OpenLayers.Control functions
- draw() / OpenLayers.Control functions
- GeoExt
- URL / Other resources
- GeoJSON format / Example instantiation
- Geometry.LineString class / What Just Happened?
- Geometry class
- about / Geometry and Feature classes, Geometry class
- subclasses / Geometry subclasses—Theory, Geometry subclasses
- methods / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- methods, using / Time for Action – using Geometry class methods, What Just Happened?
- Geometry class, subclasses
- Geometry.Point / Geometry subclasses
- Geometry.Collection / Geometry subclasses
- Geometry.MultiPoint / Geometry subclasses
- Geometry.Curve / Geometry subclasses
- Geometry.LineString / Geometry subclasses
- Geometry.MultiLineString / Geometry subclasses
- Geometry.LinearRing / Geometry subclasses
- Geometry.Polygon / Geometry subclasses
- Geometry.MultiPolygon / Geometry subclasses
- methods / Geometry subclass methods
- geometry property / Time for Action – creating a Vector Layer
- getVisibility() function / Layer class method definitions
- GitHub
- about / OpenLayers source code repository
- Google layer properties
- about / Google layer properties
- sphericalMercator {Boolean} / sphericalMercator {Boolean}
- type {GmapType} / type {GmapType}
- V3 GMapType values / V3 GMapType values
- V2 GMapType values / V2 GMapType values
- Google Map layer
- creating, with V2 / Time for Action – creating a Google Map layer with V2 (Deprecated), What Just Happened?
- Google Map layer object
- creating / Creating a Google Map layer object
- Google Maps
- about / Third party mapping APIs, OpenLayers and third party APIs, Google Maps
- URL / Google Maps
- using / Google Maps, Using Google Maps and other layers
- V2 and V3, differences / Differences between Google Maps version 2 and version 3
- V3, using / Time for Action – using Goole Maps V3 (standard way), What Just Happened?
- Google Map layer object, creating / Creating a Google Map layer object
- Google layer properties / Google layer properties
- Google Maps API
- about / Relation to Google / Yahoo! / and other mapping APIs
- Google Maps layer
- creating / Time for Action – creating a Google Maps layer, What Just Happened?
- Goole Maps V2
- documentation / Differences between Google Maps version 2 and version 3
- Goole Maps V3
- documentation / Differences between Google Maps version 2 and version 3
- using / Time for Action – using Goole Maps V3 (standard way)
- Graticule control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
- intervals property / Graticule properties
- displayInLayerSwitcher property / Graticule properties
- visible property / Graticule properties
- numPoints property / Graticule properties
- targetSize property / Graticule properties
- layerName property / Graticule properties
- labeled property / Graticule properties
- labelFormat property / Graticule properties
- lineSymbolize property / Graticule properties
- labelSymbolizer property / Graticule properties
- gutter, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- purpose / Ideas behind CSS and HTML
- elements / HTML elements
- elements styling, CSS used / Styling HTML elements with CSS
- viewing, in Firebug / Have a Go Hero – view HTML and CSS in Firebug
- HTML, elements
- IDs / HTML IDs
- classes / HTML classes
- HTML Inspector, Firebug controls
- about / Firebug controlsFirebugcontrols
- HTML panel, Firebug
- about / HTML panel
- working / How it works
- contents / HTML panel contents
- HTTP protocol class / Example instantiation
- id property, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control properties
- image layer
- using / Time for Action – using the image layer
- image layer parameters
- name / Image layer parameters
- url / Image layer parameters
- extent / Image layer parameters
- size / Image layer parameters
- options / Image layer parameters
- imageOffset, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- inheritance, CSS
- about / Cascading Style Sheets—Inheritance
- order / Order of inheritance
- elements, referencing / Referencing elements
- init() function / JavaScript object notation
- init function / Understanding the code—Line by line
- inRange, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- intent
- default / What is an 'intent'?
- select / What is an 'intent'?
- temporary / What is an 'intent'?
- about / IRC
- isBaseLayer, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- isBaseLayer property
- about / Base layer
- iterative development / Development strategies
- JavaScript
- purpose / Ideas behind CSS and HTML
- JavaScript documentation
- reference link / Library
- key
- g key / Specifying data
- ID key / Specifying data
- tags key / Specifying data
- KeyboardDefaults control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults
- slideFactor property / KeyboardDefaults properties
- latitude
- about / Latitude
- layer
- about / What's a layer?
- Layer.ArcGIS93Rest class
- about / Layer.ArcGIS93Rest
- Layer.ArcIMS class
- about / Layer.ArcIMS
- Layer.Google class
- about / Layer.Google
- Google Maps layer, creating / Time for Action – creating a Google Maps layer, What Just Happened?
- Layer.Grid class
- about / Layer.Grid
- Layer.Image class
- about / Layer.Image
- image layer, using / Time for Action – using the image layer
- image layer parameters / Image layer parameters
- image based maps, creating / Have a Go Hero – make your own image based maps
- Layer.MapGuide class
- about / Layer.MapGuide
- Layer.TileCache class
- about / Layer.TileCache
- Layer.Vector class
- about / Layer.Vector
- Layer.VirtualEarth class
- about / Layer.VirtualEarth
- Layer.WFS class
- about / Layer.WFS
- Layer.WMS class
- about / Layer.WMS
- Layer.Yahoo class
- about / Layer.Yahoo
- Layer class / Understanding the code—Line by line, OpenLayers.Control class
- Layer classes
- about / Layers in OpenLayers
- base layer / Base layer
- overlay layers / Overlay layers
- Layer.WMS class / Other layer types
- Layer.Google class / Other layer types
- Layer.ArcGIS93Rest / Layer.ArcGIS93Rest
- Layer.ArcIMS / Layer.ArcIMS
- Layer.Google / Layer.Google
- Layer.Grid / Layer.Grid
- Layer.Image / Layer.Image
- Layer.MapGuide / Layer.MapGuide
- Layer.TileCache / Layer.TileCache
- Layer.Vector / Layer.Vector
- Layer.VirtualEarth / Layer.VirtualEarth
- Layer.WFS / Layer.WFS
- Layer.WMS / Layer.WMS
- Layer.Yahoo / Layer.Yahoo
- Layer class methods
- about / Layer class methods
- global layer object variable, defining / Time for Action – defining a global layer object variable
- defining / Layer class method definitions
- layer objects
- creating / Creating layer objects
- WMS layer object / Layer.WMS class
- parameters, versus arguments / Parameters versus arguments
- accessing / Accessing layer objects
- map.layers, accessing / Time for Action – accessing map.layers, What Just Happened?
- accessing, in Firebug / Time for Action – accessing layer objects in Firebug, What Just Happened?
- layer options
- configuring / Configuring layer options
- wms_state_lines layer options / wms_state_lines layer options
- wms_layer_labels layer options / wms_layer_labels layer options
- layer properties
- about / Available layer properties
- data types / Data types
- OpenLayers.Layer class properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- accessing / Accessing layer properties
- accessing, through map.layers / map.layers
- references, storing with layer objects / Storing references to layer objects
- layer related functions, Map class
- addLayer() / Layer related functions
- addLayers() / Layer related functions
- raiseLayer() / Layer related functions
- removeLayer() / Layer related functions
- getNumLayers() / Layer related functions
- layers
- about / Layers in OpenLayers
- layers property, Map class / layers
- Layer subclass
- about / Subclasses
- Layer superclass
- about / Layer Class—Sub and super classes
- Layer Switcher control / Time for Action – creating a map with multiple layers
- LayerSwitcher control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
- ascending property / LayerSwitcher properties
- roundedCorner property / LayerSwitcher properties
- div prroperty / LayerSwitcher properties
- minimizeControl() function / LayerSwitcher functions
- maximizeControl() function / LayerSwitcher functions
- styling / Time for Action – styling the LayerSwitcher control, What Just Happened?
- library, OpenLayers
- about / Library
- library file, OpenLayer
- small files, serving / Always try to serve small files
- build file, using / Using the OpenLayers build file
- longitude
- about / Longitude
- LonLat coordinates
- determining / Time for Action – determining LonLat coordinates
- Madlibs
- about / MadLibs
- playing / Time for Action – play MadLibs
- map
- creating / Making our first map, Time for action – creating your first map, What just happened?
- about / Understanding the code—Line by line
- map, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- map.functionname() / What Just Happened?
- map.zoomToMaxExtent() function / JavaScript object notation
- Map class / Understanding the code—Line by line
- about / The Map class
- Map object, creating / Creating a map object
- properties / Map properties
- functions / Map functions
- map events, types
- addlayer / Map event types
- changebaselayer / Map event types
- changelayer / Map event types
- mousemove / Map event types
- mouseout / Map event types
- mouseover / Map event types
- movestart / Map event types
- moveend / Map event types
- move / Map event types
- preaddlayer / Map event types
- removelayer / Map event types
- zoomend / Map event types
- using / Using map events
- eventListeners property, using / Using the eventListeners property, Time for Action – using eventListeners
-, using / Using
- map mashup
- about / Map mashups
- map projections
- about / Map projections
- using / Why on earth are Projections used?
- characteristics / Projection characteristics
- types / Types of projections
- EPSG codes / EPSG codes
- longitude/latitude / Longitude/Latitude
- transforming / Transforming projections
- map projections, types
- about / Types of projections
- cylindrical projection / Types of projections
- Mercator projection / Types of projections
- equal area projection / Types of projections
- map properties, Spherical Mercator layers
- about / Map properties with Spherical Mercator layers
- maxExtent / maxExtent
- maxResolution / maxResolution
- units / units
- projection / projection
- mashup
- about / Map mashups
- creating / Time For Action – creating your first mashup
- maxExtent, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- maxExtent property / maxExtent
- maxExtent property , Map class
- setting / Time for Action – setting zoom levels and maxExtent, What Just Happened?
- maxExtent property, Map class / maxExtent
- maxResolution, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- maxResolution property / maxResolution
- MaxScale, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- maxScale property / maxScale
- metadata, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- method
- activateControl / What Just Happened?
- addControl / Time for Action – creating a simple button
- clone() / What Just Happened?
- addUnqiueValueRules / Using addUniqueValueRules
- refresh() / Time For Action – adding dynamic tags to your map
- addEventListener / Time For Action – adding dynamic tags to your map
- methods, Control.SelectFeature class
- activate() / SelectFeature control methods
- deactivate() / SelectFeature control methods
- highlight() / SelectFeature control methods
- unhighlight() / SelectFeature control methods
- select() / SelectFeature control methods
- unselect() / SelectFeature control methods
- unselectAl() / SelectFeature control methods
- methods, Format class
- read(data) / Format class methods
- write(features) / Format class methods
- methods, Geometry class
- atPoint() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- calculateBounds() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- clearBounds() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- clone() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- destroy() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- distanceTo() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- extendBounds() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- getArea() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- getBounds() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- getCentroid() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- getLength() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- getVertices( ) / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- toString() / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- using / Time for Action – using Geometry class methods, What Just Happened?
- methods, projection class
- getCode() / Functions
- getUnits() / Functions
- addTransform(from, to, method) / Functions
- transform(point, source, destination) / Functions
- Microsoft mapping API
- about / Microsoft's mapping API
- Bing/Virtual Earth Layer, creating / Time for Action – creating a Bing/Virtual Earth Layer, What Just Happened?
- minExtent property, Map class / minExtent
- minScale, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- modular programming / Development strategies
- MousePosition control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition
- prefix property / MousePosition properties
- suffix property / MousePosition properties
- emptyString property / MousePosition properties
- separator property / MousePosition properties
- numDigits property / MousePosition properties
- displayProjection property / MousePosition properties
- div property / MousePosition properties
- moveend event / Time for Action – creating a multiple map and custom event application
- moveTo(location) function, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control functions
- multiple base layers
- about / Base layer
- multipleKey property / Time For Action – using the SelectFeature control
- multiple map objects
- about / Using multiple map objects
- using / Time for Action – using multiple map objects, What Just Happened?
- custom event application, creating / Time for Action – creating a multiple map and custom event application
- Nabble
- about / Mailing lists
- name parameter, WMS layer parameters
- about / Name
- Navigation control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.Navigation
- documentDrag property / Navigation properties
- handleRightClicks property / Navigation properties
- zoomWheel property / Navigation properties
- autoActivate property / Navigation properties
- NavigationHistory control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
- limit property / NavigationHistory properties
- nextStack property / NavigationHistory properties
- previousStack property / NavigationHistory properties
- nextTrigger() function / NavigationHistory functions
- previousTrigger() function / NavigationHistory functions
- using / Time for Action – using the NavigationHistory control
- NavToolbar control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar
- Net panel, Firebug
- about / Net panel
- request list / Request list
- numZoomLevels, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- numZoomLevels property / JavaScript object notation
- numZoomLevels property, Map class
- about / numZoomLevels
- setting / Time for Action – setting zoom levels and maxExtent, What Just Happened?
- object literals
- creating / Time for Action – creating object literals
- about / Object literals
- map, interacting with / Time for Action – interacting with a map
- functions, experimenting with / Have a Go Hero – experiment with functions
- about / Behind the scenes—Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- objects, interacting with / Interaction happens with objects
- Madlibs / MadLibs
- programming / Programming with OOP
- subclasses / Subclasses
- OOP programming
- about / Programming with OOP
- opacity property
- about / The opacity property
- Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
- about / Understanding the code—Line by line
- OpenLayer
- and CSS / OpenLayers and CSS
- styling, themes used / Styling OpenLayers—using themes
- themes, creating / Creating your own themes
- Map class / The Map class
- Vector Layers / What is the Vector Layer?
- application, deploying / Deploying an application
- library file, building / Building the OpenLayers Library file
- OpenLayers
- features / Why use OpenLayers?
- client side / Client side
- URL / Client side
- library / Library
- relating, to APIs / Relation to Google / Yahoo! / and other mapping APIs
- layers / Layers in OpenLayers
- map, creating / Making our first map, Time for action – creating your first map, What just happened?
- API documentation / API docs
- resources, for help / Where to go for help
- Layer classes / Layers in OpenLayers
- map titles / Map tiles
- map tiling strategy / Many images make up a map
- layer properties / Available layer properties
- third party APIs, using / OpenLayers and third party APIs
- controls, using in / Using controls in OpenLayers
- OpenLayers.Bounds class / maxExtent
- OpenLayers.Bounds object / maxExtent
- OpenLayers.Control, subclass
- ArgParser control / OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser
- Permalink control / OpenLayers.Control.Permalink
- Attribution control / What Just Happened?
- EditingToolbar control / OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar
- Graticule control / OpenLayers.Control.Graticule
- KeyboardDefaults control / OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults
- LayerSwitcher control / LayerSwitcher functions
- MousePosition control / OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition, MousePosition properties
- Navigation control / OpenLayers.Control.Navigation
- NavigationHistory control / OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
- NavToolbar control / OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar
- OverviewMap control / OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
- PanPanel control / OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel
- PanZoom control / OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom
- PanZoomBar control / OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar
- Control.Scale control / OpenLayers.Control.Scale
- ScaleLine control / OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine
- ZoomPanel control / OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel
- OpenLayers.Control class
- properties / OpenLayers.Control properties
- functions / OpenLayers.Control functions
- OpenLayers.Filter class / Strategy.Filter
- OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
- about / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
- clone() / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
- getDataExtent() / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
- refresh() / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
- assignRenderer() / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
- displayError() / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
- addFeatures(features, options) function / Working with features
- features, adding / Time for Action – adding features, What Just Happened?
- removeFeatures() / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- removeAllFeatures( options) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- destroyFeatures(features, options) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- features, destroying / Time for Action – destroying features
- drawFeature(feature, style) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- eraseFeatures(features) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- getFeatureById(featureId) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- getFeatureByFid(featureFid) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- getFeatureFromEvent(event) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- onFeatureInsert(feature) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- preFeatureInsert(feature) / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- feature events, working with / Time For Action – working with feature events, What Just Happened?
- OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties, Vector Layer class / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- drawn* {Boolean} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- filter* {OpenLayers.Filter} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- isFixed* {Boolean} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- isVector* {Boolean} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- protocol* {OpenLayers.Protocol} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- renderers* {Array{String}} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- rendererOptions* {Object} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- reportError* {Boolean} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- selectedFeatures* {Array{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector}} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- strategies* {Array{OpenLayers.Strategy}} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- style* {Object} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- styleMap* {OpenLayers.StyleMap} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- unrenderedFeatures* {Object} / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- OpenLayers.Layer class
- about / The OpenLayers.Layer class
- subclasses / Subclasses
- superclass / Layer Class—Sub and super classes
- OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- about / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- events / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- map / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- isBaseLayer / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- alpha / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- displayInLayerSwitcher / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- visibility / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- attribution / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- inRange / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- imageOffset / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- options / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- eventListeners / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- gutter / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- projection / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- units / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- scales / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- resolutions / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- maxExtent / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- maxResolution / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- numZoomLevels / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- minScale / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- MaxScale / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- displayOutsideMaxExtent / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- wrapDateLine / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- transitionEffect / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- SUPPORTED_TRANSITIONS / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- metadata / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- modifying / Modifying layer properties
- OpenLayers.LonLat class / Extent/Coordinate/Bounds related
- OpenLayers.Map class / Understanding the code—Line by line
- OpenLayers.Pixel object / OpenLayers.Control functions
- OpenLayers Layer object
- about / Options
- isBaseLayer property / Options
- opacity property / Options
- visibility property / Options
- OpenLayers library
- downloading / The OpenLayers website, Time for action – downloading OpenLayers
- OpenLayers mailing list
- about / Mailing lists
- Users list / Mailing lists
- Dev list / Mailing lists
- OpenLayers map
- interacting with / Time for Action – interacting with a map
- about / Many images make up a map
- OpenLayers source code repository
- about / OpenLayers source code repository
- OpenLayers website
- about / The OpenLayers website
- OpenStreetMap
- about / OpenLayers and third party APIs, OpenStreetMap
- setting up / OpenStreetMap
- reference link / OpenStreetMap
- OpenStreetMap layer
- creating / Time for Action – creating an OpenStreetMap Layer, What Just Happened?
- OSM tiles, accessing / Accessing your own OSM tiles
- options, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- options object / Understanding the code—Line by line
- about / JavaScript object notation
- options parameter / Vector Layer methods (Continued)
- options parameter, WMS layer parameters
- about / Options
- configuring / Time for Action – configuring the options parameter
- overlay layer
- about / Overlay layers
- map, creating with multiple layers / Time for Action – creating a map with multiple layers
- OverviewMap control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
- size property / OverviewMap properties
- layers property / OverviewMap properties
- minRectSize property / OverviewMap properties
- minRectDisplayClass property / OverviewMap properties
- minRatio property / OverviewMap properties
- maxRatio property / OverviewMap properties
- mapOptions property / OverviewMap properties
- autoPan property / OverviewMap properties
- div property / OverviewMap properties
- minimizeControl() functions / OverviewMap functions
- maximizeControl() function / OverviewMap functions
- panel control
- about / Panels
- control types / Panels
- controls property / Panel properties
- autoActivate property / Panel properties
- defaultControl property / Panel properties
- saveState property / Panel properties
- Activate() function / Panel functions
- activateControl( {OpenLayers.Control} ) function / Panel functions
- panels, Firebug
- about / Panels
- console panel / Console panel
- HTML panel / HTML panel
- CSS panel / CSS panel
- script panel / Script panel
- DOM panel / DOM panel
- Net panel / Net panel
- panMethod property / panMethod, Have a Go Hero – use different animation types
- PanPanel control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel
- slideFactor property / PanPanel properties
- PanZoomBar control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar
- zoomWorldIcon property / PanZoomBar properties
- div property / PanZoomBar properties
- PanZoom control / What just happened?
- PanZoom control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom
- parameters
- versus arguments / Parameters versus arguments
- parameters, projection class
- projectionCode / Parameters
- options / Parameters
- params parameter, WMS layer parameters
- about / Params
- possible keys and values / Possible params keys and values
- Params tab / Request list
- Permalink control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses / OpenLayers.Control.Permalink
- preload property / Strategy.Fixed
- Proj4js library
- about / The Proj4js library
- URL / The Proj4js library
- setting up / Time for Action – setting up
- downloading / Time for Action – setting up
- projection
- about / Map projections
- projection, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- projection class
- about / OpenLayers projection class
- projection object, creating / Creating a projection object
- methods / Functions
- projection object
- creating / Creating a projection object
- parameters / Parameters
- functions / Functions
- projection property / projection
- projection property, Map class / projection
- projection transforms
- handling / Transforming projections
- coordinate transforms / Time for Action – coordinate transforms
- properties, Control.SelectFeature class
- box / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- box* {Boolean} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- clickout* {Boolean} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- geometryType* {Array{String}} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- handlers* {Object} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- highlightOnly* {Boolean} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- hover* {Boolean} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- layer* {OpenLayers.Layer.Vector} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- multiple* {Boolean} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- multipleKey* {String} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- onBeforeSelect* {Function} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- onUnselect* {Function} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- renderIntent* {String} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- selectStyle* {Object} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- toggle* {Boolean} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- toggleKey* {String} / SelectFeature control propertiesControl.SelectFeature classproperties
- properties, Format class
- about / Format class properties
- externalProjection* {OpenLayers.Projection} / Format class properties
- properties, Map class
- allOverlayers / allOverlayers
- controls / controls
- displayProjection / displayProjection
- eventListeners / eventListeners
- fallThrough / fallThrough
- layers / layers
- maxExtent / maxExtent
- minExtent / minExtent
- restrictedExtent / restrictedExtent
- numZoomLevels / numZoomLevels
- resolutions / Resolutions
- maxResolution / maxResolution, Time for Action – using Min and Max resolution
- minResolution / minResolution, Time for Action – using Min and Max resolution
- scales / scales
- maxScale / maxScale
- minScale / minScale
- panMethod / panMethod
- panDuration / panDuration
- projection / projection
- theme / theme
- tileSize / tileSize
- unit / unit
- properties, OpenLayers.Control class
- autoActivate / OpenLayers.Control properties
- div / OpenLayers.Control properties
- id / OpenLayers.Control properties
- eventListener / OpenLayers.Control properties
- displayClass / OpenLayers.Control properties
- title / OpenLayers.Control properties
- type / OpenLayers.Control properties
- Protocol class / Protocol class
- ProxyHost
- dynamic data, getting / Time for Action – getting dynamic data
- real time data, using
- with ProxyHost / Using real time data with a ProxyHost
- redraw() function / Layer class method definitions
- refresh() method / Time For Action – adding dynamic tags to your map
- relative path / Understanding the code—Line by line
- request list, Firebug Net panel
- about / Request list
- parameters / Parameters
- BBOX parameter / BBOX parameter
- resolutions, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- resolutions property, Map class
- about / Resolutions
- resolutions array, setting / Time for Action – using resolutions array
- resources, for help
- book website / This book's website
- mailing list / Mailing lists
- Response tab / Request list
- restrictedExtent property, Map class / restrictedExtent
- Rule class
- about / OpenLayers.Rule class
- rules
- working / How do they work?
- using / How do we use them?, Time for Action – using rules and filters, What Just Happened?
- scale, map projections characteristics
- about / Scale
- Scale control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.Scale
- geodesic property / Scale properties
- scale dependency
- about / wms_state_lines layer options
- ScaleLine control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- about / OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine
- maxWidth property / ScaleLine properties
- topOutUnits property / ScaleLine properties
- topInUnits property / ScaleLine properties
- bottomOutUnits property / ScaleLine properties
- bottomInUnits property / ScaleLine properties
- geodesic property / ScaleLine properties
- div property / ScaleLine properties
- scales, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- script panel, Firebug
- about / Script panel
- setIsBaseLayer( is_base ) function / Layer class method definitions
- setName( newName ) function / Layer class method definitions
- setOpacity( opacity ) function / Layer class method definitions
- setVisibility() function / wms_state_lines layer options
- SetVisibility( visibility ) function / Layer class method definitions
- shape, map projections characteristics
- about / Shape
- single file build / Using the OpenLayers build file
- sketchstarted event / Time For Actions – working with more events
- Spatial class, types
- OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.BBOX / Feature.Spatial
- OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.CONTAINS / Feature.Spatial
- OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.DWITHIN / Feature.Spatial
- OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.INTERSECTS / Feature.Spatial
- OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.WITHIN / Feature.Spatial
- sphericalMercator / What Just Happened?
- Spherical Mercator
- about / Spherical Mercator
- EPSG code / Spherical Mercator—EPSG code
- using / Time for Action – using Spherical Mercator
- Spherical Mercator layers
- map properties / Map properties with Spherical Mercator layers
- sphericalMercator property
- about / Time for Action – using Spherical Mercator
- sphericalMercator {Boolean}
- about / sphericalMercator {Boolean}
- SRS code / Parameters
- stateboundary layer / Time for Action – configuring the options parameter
- Strategy.BBOX class / Strategy classStrategy class
- Strategy class / What is the Vector Layer?, Strategy classStrategy class
- about / Strategy class
- Strategy.BBOX / Strategy.BBOX
- Strategy.Cluster / Strategy.Cluster
- Strategy.Filter / Strategy.Filter
- Strategy.Fixed / Strategy.Fixed
- Strategy.Paging / Strategy.Paging
- Strategy.Refresh, methods / Strategy.Refresh
- Strategy.Save / Strategy.Save
- Style class
- about / The Style class
- symbolizer / The Style class
- symbolizer properties / Symbolizer properties
- StyleMap class
- about / The StyleMap class
- default intent / What is an 'intent'?
- select intent / What is an 'intent'?
- temporary intent / What is an 'intent'?
- style property / What Just Happened?
- styles applying, Vector Layer
- ways / Applying styles
- StyleMap, using / Applying styles
- intents, using / Applying styles
- symbolizer / What are symbolizers?
- steps / Time For Action – applying some basic Styling, What Just Happened?
- subclasses
- about / Subclasses
- example / Subclasses
- GoogleMap Layer class / Subclasses
- Navigation control class / Subclasses
- subclasses, Filter class
- Comparison class / Filter.Comparison
- FeatureId / Filter.Comparison Value property
- SUPPORTED_TRANSITIONS, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- about / SVG
- symbolizer properties, Style class
- cursor / List of common symbolizer properties
- fillColor / List of common symbolizer properties
- fillOpacity / List of common symbolizer properties
- fontColor / List of common symbolizer properties
- fontOpacity / List of common symbolizer properties
- fontSize / List of common symbolizer properties
- fontWeight / List of common symbolizer properties
- graphicName / List of common symbolizer properties
- label / List of common symbolizer properties
- labelAlign / List of common symbolizer properties
- labelSelect / List of common symbolizer properties
- labelXOffset / List of common symbolizer properties
- labelYOffset / List of common symbolizer properties
- pointRadius / List of common symbolizer properties
- stroke / List of common symbolizer properties
- strokeColor / List of common symbolizer properties
- strokeDashstyle / List of common symbolizer properties
- strokeLinecap / List of common symbolizer properties
- strokeOpacity / List of common symbolizer properties
- strokeWidth / List of common symbolizer properties
- examples / Time for Action – common style examples
- backgroundGraphic / Remaining symbolizer properties
- backgroundGraphicZIndex / Remaining symbolizer properties
- backgroundHeight / Remaining symbolizer properties
- backgroundWidth / Remaining symbolizer properties
- backgroundXOffset / Remaining symbolizer properties
- backgroundYOffset / Remaining symbolizer properties
- display / Remaining symbolizer properties
- externalGraphic / Remaining symbolizer properties
- fill / Remaining symbolizer properties
- graphic / Remaining symbolizer properties
- graphicHeight / Remaining symbolizer properties
- graphicOpacity / Remaining symbolizer properties
- graphicTitle / Remaining symbolizer properties
- graphicWidth / Remaining symbolizer properties
- graphicXOffset / Remaining symbolizer properties
- graphicYOffset / Remaining symbolizer properties
- graphicZIndex / Remaining symbolizer properties
- rotation / Remaining symbolizer properties
- symbolizer_lookup parameter / The symbolizer_lookup parameter
- theme property, Map class / theme
- themes, OpenLayer
- creating / Creating your own themes
- IDs / OpenLayers—class names and IDs
- class names / OpenLayers—class names and IDs
- generated class names / Generated class names
- generated IDs, ways / Generated IDs
- controls, styling / Time for Action – styling controls, What Just Happened?
- NavToolbar control, styling / Time for Action – styling controls
- LayerSwitcher control, styling / Time for Action – styling the LayerSwitcher control, What Just Happened?
- third party mapping APIs
- about / Third party mapping APIs
- map mashup / Map mashups
- Google Maps / Google Maps
- Yahoo Maps API / Yahoo! Maps API
- Microsoft mapping API / Microsoft's mapping API
- OpenStreetMap / OpenStreetMap
- Spherical Mercator / Spherical Mercator
- threshold parameter / Strategy.Cluster
- tileSize property, Map class / tileSize
- title property, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control properties
- toggle_button_activate_func function / What Just Happened?
- toggle_button_deactivate_func function / What Just Happened?
- transform() function / What Just Happened?
- transitionEffect
- resize property / Time for Action – configuring the options parameter
- transitionEffect, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- trigger function / Time for Action – creating a simple button
- type property, OpenLayers.Control class / OpenLayers.Control properties
- type {GmapType}
- about / type {GmapType}
- unit property, Map class / unit
- units, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- units property / units
- update_vector_layer function / Time For Action – adding dynamic tags to your map
- URL parameter, WMS layer parameters
- about / URL
- Users list
- about / Mailing lists
- V2 GMapType values
- about / V2 GMapType values
- V3 GMapType values
- about / V3 GMapType values
- vector
- about / What is a 'Vector'?
- vector layer
- about / Layer.Vector
- Vector Layer
- uses / Other uses
- vector / What is a 'Vector'?
- creating / Time for Action – creating a Vector Layer
- EditingToolbar control, adding / Time for Action – creating a Vector Layer
- working / How the Vector Layer works
- rendering, SVG renderer used / SVG
- rendering, Canvas renderer used / Canvas
- rendering, VML used / VML
- class events / Vector Layer class events
- using, without Protocol class / Using the Vector Layer without a Protocol class
- styling / Styling the Vector Layer
- Vector Layer, styling
- styles, applying / Applying styles
- Vector Layer, working
- about / How the Vector Layer works
- rendering step / How the Vector Layer is rendered, SVG
- Renderers array / 'Renderers' array
- Renderers array, changing / Time for Action – changing the Renderers array, What Just Happened?
- Vector Layer class
- about / Vector Layer class, The Vector class, part two
- OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector properties
- OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods / OpenLayers.Layer.Vector methods
- overview / Who invited these classes over?
- Protocol class / Protocol class
- Format class / Format classFormat class
- Strategy class / Strategy classStrategy class
- class, interacting with each other / How these three classes interact
- example instantiation / Example instantiation
- Vector Layer, creating / Time for Action – creating a Vector Layer
- cross server requests / Cross server requests
- proxy host, using / Using a proxy host
- Vector Layers
- about / What is the Vector Layer?
- objects, Features / What is the Vector Layer?
- features / What makes the Vector Layer special?
- using, as client side / The Vector Layer is client side
- Vector Layer using, without Protocol class
- steps / Using the Vector Layer without a Protocol class
- Format class, using alone / Time for Action – using the Format and Strategy classes alone, What Just Happened?
- Strategy class, using alone / Time for Action – using the Format and Strategy classes alone, What Just Happened?
- VirtualEarth
- about / Microsoft's mapping API
- VirtualEarth layer class properties
- about / VirtualEarth layer class properties
- type values / Possible type values
- visibility, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- visibility property
- about / The visibility property
- web map application
- creating, Flickr used / Creating a web map application using Flickr
- wrapping up / Wrapping up the application, Recap
- dynamic tags, adding / Time For Action – adding dynamic tags to your map, What Just Happened?
- web map application creating, Flickr used
- APIs / Note on APIs
- public data feeds, accessing / Accessing the Flickr public data feeds
- data, accessing / Specifying data
- web map client
- about / Web map client
- web mapping application
- about / Anatomy of a web-mapping application
- Client / Server Model / Anatomy of a web-mapping application
- web map client / Web map client
- web map server / Web map server
- drawbacks / Relation to Google / Yahoo! / and other mapping APIs
- web map server
- about / Web map server
- Web Map Service
- about / Understanding the code—Line by line
- Well Known Identifier (WKID) / Parameters
- WFS (Web Feature Service)
- about / Layer.WFS
- WKT (Well-Known Text) / Geometry class methodsGeometry classmethods
- about / Layer.WMS
- WMS class
- parameters / Layer.WMS class
- WMS layer object
- creating / Layer.WMS class
- WMS layer parameters
- about / WMS layer parameters:
- name / Name
- params / Params
- options / Options
- WMS service
- using / WMS with Spherical Mercator/third party map layers
- WMS subclass / Understanding the code—Line by line
- WMS with Spherical Mercator/third party Map Layers
- about / WMS with Spherical Mercator/third party map layers
- wms_base layer object / Creating layer objects
- wms_base_layer layer / Layer.WMS class
- wms_layer object / JavaScript object notation
- wms_layer_labels layer options
- about / wms_layer_labels layer options
- visibility property / The visibility property
- opacity property / The opacity property
- wms_state_lines layer options
- configuring / wms_state_lines layer options
- displayInLayerSwitcher property / wms_state_lines layer options
- minScale property / wms_state_lines layer options
- maxScale property / wms_state_lines layer options
- scale dependency / Scale dependency
- wrapDateLine, layer properties / OpenLayers.Layer class properties
- Yahoo Maps API
- about / OpenLayers and third party APIs, Yahoo! Maps API
- Yahoo Maps Layer class, using / Time for Action – using the Yahoo! Maps Layer, What Just Happened?
- Yahoo Maps Layer class
- using / Time for Action – using the Yahoo! Maps Layer, What Just Happened?
- Yahoo Maps Layer class properties
- about / Yahoo! Maps Layer class properties
- Yahoo Maps Layer types / Yahoo! Maps Layer types
- Yahoo Maps Layer types
- about / Yahoo! Maps Layer types
- YAHOO_MAP_HYB / Yahoo! Maps Layer types
- YAHOO_MAP_SAT / Yahoo! Maps Layer types
- YAHOO_MAP_REG / Yahoo! Maps Layer types
- ZoomBox control / Control types
- zoomend event / Time for Action – working with Map events
- ZoomPanel control, OpenLayers.Control subclasses
- ZoomIn / OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel
- ZoomOut / OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel
- ZoomToMaxExtent / OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel