API Access Management administration
So, let's go into the Okta administrator panel to set up some of the features that were examined in the last section. Navigate to Security | API. Here, we see that we have three tabs we can work with:
- Authentication Servers
- Tokens
- Trusted Origins
This is what it looks like in the admin panel:
Figure 7.3 – Available tabs for API management
As we already spoke about Tokens and Trusted Origins earlier in this chapter, we will now only focus on Authorization Servers. If you don't have the API Access Management product enabled, you will only see this menu for the default org authorization server, explained next.
Authorization server
To start off, we need to look at why you might need an authorization server. An authorization server is basically something to create and solidify (or mint, as it's normally called) Oauth 2.0 or OpenID Connect tokens. You can use it for authentication...