Network Automation with Go
Welcome to Packt Early Access. We’re giving you an exclusive preview of this book before it goes on sale. It can take many months to write a book, but our authors have cutting-edge information to share with you today. Early Access gives you an insight into the latest developments by making chapter drafts available. The chapters may be a little rough around the edges right now, but our authors will update them over time. You’ll be notified when a new version is ready.
This title is in development, with more chapters still to be written, which means you have the opportunity to have your say about the content. We want to publish books that provide useful information to you and other customers, so we’ll send questionnaires out to you regularly. All feedback is helpful, so please be open about your thoughts and opinions. Our editors will work their magic on the text of the book, so we’d like your input on the technical elements and your...