Chapter 1: Melding Unity and Blender
Hello, Earthling! How would you like unlimited cosmic power? That is essentially what you get when you use the ultra-versatile Unity game engine in combination with the awesome assets you can create with the Blender graphics toolkit. "Wait a minute," you say with worry, "that much power sounds expensive." Well, worry not! All that power can be had for the low, low price of… nothing!
(Full disclosure: if you start making more than $100,000 a year with Unity, you need to start paying a licensing fee. You should be so unlucky!)
This book starts you on the path to that unlimited power. Once begun, it is a never-ending journey bounded only by your effort and imagination. Unity and Blender go together like some of the most famous human combinations:
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Pen and paper
- Thelma and Louise
On our journey, we will learn how to create, alter, texture, animate, and script 3D objects in Unity and Blender and exchange them between the two programs in our pursuit of making breath-taking, mind-altering, fun-inducing, superlative-worthy video games.
This chapter lays the groundwork for what lies ahead. We will cover the following:
- What is Unity and why choose it?
- What is Blender and why choose it?
- What software, hardware, and knowledge should you have to make this journey?