Hosting a non-HTTP service in IIS 7
Since Windows 2003 Server, IIS is increasingly playing a more important role in the Windows Server operating system (for deploying server applications that will need to expose HTTP-based endpoints for client consumers). And IIS host is also a popular deployment scenario for a WCF service application. However, starting from IIS 7, the new process activation model (Windows Activation Service) provides non-HTTP support also, which makes deploying non-HTTP endpoint-based WCF services also possible.
How to do it...
Install WCF non-HTTP activation components on the host machine.
Though IIS 7 supports hosting non-HTTP-based WCF service endpoints, we need to make sure the WCF Non-HTTP Activation Components are correctly installed on the hosting server. The following MSDN reference provides detailed steps on installing the WCF Non-Http Activation Components:
How to: Install and Configure WCF Activation Components (