Talk is cheap. Show me the code.
- Linus Torvalds
- Linus Torvalds
JUnit 5 provides a brand-new programming model called Jupiter. We can see this programming model as an API for software engineers and testers which allow to create JUnit 5 tests. These tests are later executed on the JUnit Platform. As we will discover, the Jupiter programming model allows to create many different types of tests. This chapter tackles the basics of Jupiter. To that aim, this chapter is structured as follows:
- Test lifecycle: In this section, we analyze the structure of the Jupiter tests, describing the annotations involved in the management of the test life cycle in the JUnit 5 programming model. Then, we discover how to skip tests, and also how to annotate tests with a custom display name.
- Assertions: In this section, first we present a brief overview of the verification assets, called...