Before getting started
In this chapter, we won't use any special APIs or libraries, we just play with OpenLayers 3 and native JavaScript. However, this is the chapter where we will use a feature that is not exported in the compiled library; therefore, we will need the debug version of OpenLayers 3, called
. The debug version of the library is in the same folder as the compiled version.
Basic considerations
As we would like to build a complete toolbar that can manage our controls and interactions, we need to make some considerations first. In the next examples, we will build a constructor function, which is similar to our layer tree. The constructed object will take care of the management of its internal controls. If you have used OpenLayers 2, you must be familiar with the panel control. Ours will be similar to it.
Right after this, we will create a general purpose control that has only one job: mapping an interaction to a button correctly. As the interaction and control...