As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
128-bit AES in CBC mode 321
@errorhandler decorator
applying 65
ACID transactions 251
after_request handlers
implementing 125
Airflow 2.x
built-in REST endpoints, utilizing 298-300
configuring 291-293
installing 291, 292
tasks, creating 294-298
using, in orchestrating API endpoints 291
Alembic configuration
setting up 97, 98
Android Studio
download link 436
Apache Cassandra 227
Cassandra tables, designing 227, 228
column storage, utilizing 227
configuring 229
database connection, establishing 232
download link 229
installing 229
model layer, building 232-234
repository layer, implementing 234-236
Apache Hadoop
configuring 212-214
Apache HBase
baseline requirements, setting up 212
configuring 214...