What this book covers
Chapter 1, CloudFormation Refresher, reminds you what CloudFormation is and how it works.
Chapter 2, Advanced Template Development, covers every single piece of a template – a core component of CloudFormation.
Chapter 3, Validation, Linting, and Deployment of the Stack, teaches you about best practices for stack operations, from validation to running the stack in production.
Chapter 4, Continuous Integration and Deployment, covers another concept of Continuous Delivery and how it is applied with CloudFormation.
Chapter 5, Deploying to Multiple Regions and Accounts Using StackSets, explains how to manage stacks in a multi-region and multi-account environment.
Chapter 6, Configuration Management of the EC2 Instances Using cfn-init, explains how to install software and apply configuration management on EC2 instances using CloudFormation.
Chapter 7, Creating Resources outside AWS Using Custom Resources, explains how to create resources outside of CloudFormation.
Chapter 8, Dynamically Rendering the Template Using Template Macros, covers macros – an advanced concept of CloudFormation – and their use cases.
Chapter 9, Generating CloudFormation Templates Using AWS CDK, introduces Cloud Development Kit – a framework supporting multiple languages that is used to generate CloudFormation templates and operate stacks.
Chapter 10, Deploying Serverless Applications Using AWS SAM, teaches you how to provision resources for serverless applications using the Serverless Application Model – a simplified implementation of CloudFormation.
Chapter 11, What's Next?, gives a sneak peek of what we can expect from the future of Infrastructure-as-Code.