Indenting your code
This is probably a good time to talk about indenting. In the past (that is, 30+ years ago) everyone used a text editor with a mono-spaced font to write their code and so it was relatively easy to keep everything lined up with just a one space indent. Later, when people started using word processors with a variable pitched font, it became harder to see the indentation and so more spaces (or tabs) were used. My suggestion is to use what you feel most comfortable with. However, with that said you may have to learn to read and use whatever code style that is in place for your company.
So far we have only talked about the while
statement. Now let's look at an until
loop in the next section:
Chapter 3 - Script 6
#!/bin/sh # # 5/3/2017 # echo "script6 - Linux Scripting Book" echo "This shows the while loop" x=1 while [ $x -lt 11 ] # perform the loop while the condition do # is true echo "x: $x" let x++...