Chapter 5. Integrate Less in Your Own Projects
Now it's time to integrate Less in your workflow and projects. In this chapter, you will learn to migrate your current projects or start a new project from scratch using Less. The techniques and tools to convert your CSS code to Less code will be discussed, and finally, you will learn to build and use responsive grids with Less.
This chapter will cover the following topics:
Importing CSS into Less
Migrating your projects to Less
Starting a project from scratch
Media queries and responsive design
Using grids in your projects and designs
While working with Less and seeing how it addresses the problems of duplicate code and the inability to reuse your CSS, you should have wondered when to start using Less for your projects. Although this may be the most important question of this book, the answer is quite simple. You will have to start now! The problems with CSS can be some defects in your design process. There will never be an excuse to not solve the...