What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with WebRTC, covers how WebRTC enables audio and video communication for web-based applications. You will also begin by running an example of a WebRTC application inside your browser.
Chapter 2, Getting the User's Media, covers the first step when creating a communication application to get webcam and microphone input. This chapter also covers how to use the Media Capture and Streams API to capture this information from you. We also begin development by building the foundation of our communication example.
Chapter 3, Creating a Basic WebRTC Application, covers an introduction to the first WebRTC API—the RTCPeerConnection. This chapter also lays the groundwork for creating a WebRTC application by peeking inside the complex structure of WebRTC and what we can expect when we begin working with the API.
Chapter 4, Creating a Signaling Server, covers the steps in creating our very own signaling server to help our clients find each other on the Internet. This includes in-depth information on how signaling works in WebRTC and how we will utilize it in our example application.
Chapter 5, Connecting Clients Together, covers the actual usage of our signaling server. It also covers connecting two users successfully using the WebRTC API, Media Capture, and the signaling server that we created in the previous chapter to build our working example.
Chapter 6, Sending Data with WebRTC, covers an introduction to the RTCDataChannel and how it is used to send raw data between two peers. This chapter elaborates on our example by adding a text-based chat for our clients.
Chapter 7, File Sharing, elaborates on the concept of sending raw data by looking at how we can share files between two peers. This will demonstrate the many uses of WebRTC outside of audio and video sharing.
Chapter 8, Advanced Security and Large-scale Optimization, covers advanced topics when delivering a large-scale WebRTC application. We look at theoretical security and performance optimizations used by other companies in the industry.
Appendix, Answers to Self-test Questions, covers the answers to all the self-test questions that appear at the end of every chapter.