Chapter 8. Highcharts Events
In the last chapter we learned about the Highcharts API. In this chapter we will go through Highcharts events handling. We will start the chapter by introducing the set of events that are supported by Highcharts. Then we will build two web applications to cover most of the events; each one explores a different set of events. Although the applications are far from perfect and there is plenty of room for improvement, the sole purpose is to aim at demonstrating how Highcharts events work. In this chapter we will cover the following:
Launching an Ajax query with a chart load event
Activating the user interface with a chart redraw event
Selecting and unselecting a data point with point select and unselect event
Zooming the selected area with the chart selection event
Hovering over a data point with point mouseOver and mouseOut events
Using the chart click event to create plot lines
Launching a dialog with the series click event
Launching a pie chart with the series checkboxClick...