Framing the chart with axes
In this section, we are going to look into Highcharts axis configuration in terms of their functional area. Throughout this section, we will start off with a plain line graph and gradually apply more options to the chart to demonstrate the effects.
Accessing the axis data type
There are two ways to specify data for a chart—categories and series data. For displaying intervals with specific names, we should use the categories field that expects an array of strings. Each entry in the categories array is then associated with the series data array. Alternatively, the axis interval values are embedded inside the series data array. Then Highcharts extracts the series data for both axes, interprets the data type, and formats and labels the values appropriately.
The following is a straightforward example showing the usage of categories:
chart: { renderTo: 'container', height: 250, spacingRight: 20 }, title: { text: 'Market Data...