Chapter 4. Configuration of Grunt Tasks
In the previous chapter, an assortment of Grunt tasks were introduced, and information was provided to become familiar with how to obtain plugins as well as the syntax used to add plugins to your project. In this chapter, we will look at the actual installation and configuration of grunt tasks using the Angular Seed project. There will be two main files that we will be focusing closely on: package.json and gruntfile.js. These two files are where the grunt configuration takes place, some of it automatically, such as when we install a plugin and the package.json file is updated, as shown in the examples in Chapter 3, All about Grunt Plugins. Other configuration is completed manually so that plugin behavior can be defined- and customized as per the project's requirements.
- Reviewing the installation of Grunt tasks
- Discussing package.json and gruntfile.js
- Introducing the Grunt API