Each Azure VM has to have a disk configured for it that it uses to store the various operating systems and your files. However, you may want to configure an additional disk that you can utilize for additional files or application data. These disks are called data disks and can be attached to VMs, depending on their size. In this section, you will learn how to add such a disk and configure it so that it works with your VM.
In fact, in Azure, each VM can have two types of disks attached to it:
- An OS disk (required), which contains the operating system of the machine
- A data disk (optional), which is an additional disk that offers extended disk space
You can create a VM without a data disk if it is not required and add it later when you run out of space on your OS disk. Technically, when you work with your VM, all the data from the OS disk is saved in the Azure storage account that contains the disk. Thanks to that, the whole state of the machine is persisted...