The topic of incident management comprises entire volumes of books and large-scale departments. In fact, if you think about it, your local fire or police department are "incident management" teams. They manage fires, floods, threat to lives, burglaries, intrusions, rescue operations, and more. The fire department, as an example, conducts fire safety for several cities, so if they can prevent a fire then a life or lives may be saved. They remind us to change the batteries in our smoke detectors. The police conduct a "Don't do drugs" campaign and respond at the touch of a few buttons on your phone.
Anything they do to "mitigate" an incident saves lives and saves countless taxpayers' dollars.
Your role in incident management could be modeled after the fire or police units in your local city.
What are YOU doing to mitigate attacks? What are YOU doing to educate your employees about security information? What are YOU doing to stop the nuisance attacks (kiddie scripts) on your site?
As you...