Another Important Element
The following outlines what "lists" are in HTML. We will also look at how to mark up list items and when to use them.
Using lists items is also important when appropriate.
As with just making headings look big, it is not enough to just use an *
or a -
to signify list items. There is specific HTML code that you need to use in order to mark up lists. Fortunately the Joomla! WYSIWYG makes it simple to create lists.
Time for Action—Adding Lists
The following screenshot has a simple list of Motown Artists. Say you wish to turn it into a list. The text Motown Artists is made<h2>
using the Format drop-down menu.

2)Highlight the list items that you want to turn into a list and then press the Unordered list button in the WYSIWYG toolbar.

3) The items will then be displayed as a properly marked up bulleted list as shown in the following screenshot:

What Just Happened?
Grouping related items not just looks good visually, but also helps the non-sighted users. When a...