In this chapter, we've taken a quick look at some of the great new features in Java 8, including lambdas, streams, the new date/time package, and default methods. From Java 9, we took a quick look at the Java Platform Module System and Project Jigsaw, the process handling APIs, the new concurrency changes, and the new Java REPL. For each, we've discussed the what and why, and looked at some examples of how these might affect the systems we write. We've also taken a look at the types of project we'll be building throughout the book and the tools we'll be using.
Before we move on, I'd like to restate an earlier point--every software project is different, so it is not possible to write this book in such a way that you can simply copy and paste large swathes of code into your project. Similarly, every developer writes code differently; the way I structure my code may be vastly different from yours. It is important, then, that you keep that in mind when reading this book and not get hung...