This section has all the meat of the content. Here we will know most of the things that a Mongo developer needs to know in his day to day work. On completing this section you should be in a good position to query, insert, update, and delete documents from the database. You will know the caveats of schema design and we will conclude by looking at the aggregation framework and Map Reduce. So, let us start off by learning about querying in Mongo.
One of the basic features of any database is to query it. Relational databases have a rich query language, SQL. We would expect Mongo to have its own query language too, right? And yes, it does. The queries however are represented as JSON documents and provide a rich support for querying by supporting a large number of operators. These operators can be combined to write complex queries to meet most of our requirements .I am saying most because these operators cannot perform grouping operations like the group by in relational database, there are different ways to achieve it which we will see in a later section in the book. For now, to learn and implement the query operators in the best possible way we will break this section into two:
Let us now look at various operators available for finding documents in MongoDB. We will have various scenarios to run the queries on states and cities collection. It is highly recommended that you execute the queries given so that you get a good understanding of them. Let us start. I am assuming that you have the shell and Mongo server up and running. You need to be connected to the census database. As you know, you need to type use census
on the shell to connect to it.
We start with the most basic form of query that will select all the documents. This is synonymous to select *
of the relational database. To find all the documents in the states collection we simply use the following command:
This should print out the first 20 documents on the screen and will expect you to type it
to continue with subsequent documents. We have seen this earlier. Now the object returned by this find is a cursor
and you can iterate through it. Try the following command to print out just the names of each of the states:
There is a bit of JavaScript here. What this does is, assigns the cursor returned by find
to a variable cursor
in the shell. We then pass a function(printEach)
with one parameter as a parameter to the forEach
function defined in the cursor's class (yes, function as a parameter to a function). This forEach
internally iterates through all the documents and for each of them invokes the user provided function passed as the parameter. Now all of JSON documents in the states collection have a field called state
in them of type string. We just print that out to the console by calling print(doc.state)
. Easy, isn't it? Don't worry if you do not know much about JavaScript. You need not be an expert in it, as and when we go through the book just pick up the concepts, which shouldn't be difficult.
Now there is another version of find called findOne
. Type the following query in the shell:
You shall see it just printed out one document, the first one in the collection.
One difference between the find
and findOne
is that find
returns a cursor to all documents whereas findOne
returns the first document.
Nailing down to few documents
We are rarely interested in finding all the documents in a collection. We will like to filter the documents based on some condition; Equal and Not Equal are the most common operators we use even in the relational databases. Let us see how we can find documents where the value of some field of the document is equal or not equal to a value provided.
Say we want to find a city Pune
(deliberately given in upper case as that is how it is present in the database).
The query for this is as follows:
This is similar to the following query of Relational world:
When multiple field values are compared as in the preceding case, the default condition is to and
all values. The document will be selected when all the conditions are met. We can use the pretty
function to indent the output console. For example, type the following query to see the document for city Pune indented which is easy to read.
Similarly, the not equals operation can be implemented using the Not Equals ($ne
) operator. Let's say we want to find all the cities other than those in the state of ANDHRA PRADESH
. The Mongo query for this would be:
In general whenever we want to do "field != value", we do {field:{$ne:value}}
. For those who are seeing the queries for the first time, it may look overly complex and difficult to remember as compared to SQL in relational databases, but trust me, eventually with time when you start using these, you will get used to it and will start writing more complex queries without any difficulty.
Remember, for Not Equals we have $ne
operator but for equals there is nothing like $eq
operator, you simply provide the JSON with the field and value pair. Now that we have seen how Equals and Not Equals work, let us try and find city Mumbai in our collection of cities. The query is pretty simple for it and I am sure you have guessed it, right?
Go ahead and execute it in the shell. What do you see? No Results!!!
Hold on, this is not possible as we have all the cities with population greater than 100000 in this collection and Mumbai definitely has to be in it. I guess the people from the census department have used some other name, but what is it? Let's see what we would have done in case this was a problem we faced in the Relational world. We would have used the like
operator and would have written a query as follows:
Now you'll must be saying, "We have seen and we know how to do it in a relational database, but what about in Mongo?" The answer is, we use regular expressions. To find cities with the text Mumbai in it, type and execute the following query:
We have quietly added pretty
to the query to get a pretty output, but, what we were looking for is actually named Greater Mumbai
. Now that we have got the result, let us break down the query we wrote.
still stays the same as before and the name of the field, city is also the same as what we had executed before. What the different is this, /Mumbai/i
. The text between leading /
and trailing /
is the regular expression; in this case the text Mumbai
and everything after the trailing /
is a part of regular expression options, the option i
stands for ignore case. What we are saying in this query is, "Give me all documents that contain the word Mumbai, and yes, don't worry about the case of the string, ignore it". There is another way to provide a regex using the $regex
Refer to the Operator
reference in Mongo docs for more information on when to use one of the preceding forms and a complete set of options available. The link to the operator reference page is given at the end of the book.
Selecting a limited set of fields
What we have done so far is selected an entire document that matches the provided query criteria; it is just like doing a select *
in a relational database. How can we select only a few fields of a document?
It can be done by providing another JSON document as the second parameter to the find or findOne
after we specify the query criteria. Let's use the same query that shows all the documents that contain the word Mumbai
in it. Additionally we are just interested in the state and the city name.
On typing the previous query, we see the following result on the console:
Why did we get the _id
field? We didn't even ask for it. Well, it comes for free with other fields you have selected by default, unless you explicitly ask not to output it by adding _id:0
to the fields to be selected. Type in the following query and check the result, the _id
field will be absent in the result.
Paginating and sorting documents
Let us take a look at the sort
operation first. Let's say we want to sort the names of the cities in our cities collection by descending order of the name of the city. Type the following query in our shell to achieve this:
The sort
function accepts a JSON document as the parameter. The document contains all the fields that we wish to sort by and the order in which they are to be sorted, -1
for descending and 1
for ascending. In the previous case we are sorting by just one field, the city name, in descending order. We can also choose to sort by multiple fields and the order to sort them too could be different. For example, extending the above query, say we want to sort by name of the state in descending order and within each state the cities should beordered in an ascending order of their name. Type these following lines to output the result in a format showing just the names of the states and the cities:
The sorting looks good. We have successfully sorted the cities collection by descending order of the state's name and ascending order of the city's name within each state. It is important to note here that the order of fields provided to the sort
function is important. The order {state:-1, city:1} is not same as {city:1, state:-1}. Try changing the order of sort keys and see the result. The first one asks to sort by descending order of the state's name and ascending order of the city's name. There is a problem with the previous result we have printed. It printed out all the 495 cities and we can't see what is at the start of the result (well, at least my console's buffer size doesn't hold all the lines printed out). Even in real world when you display the results to the users on the front end, you show them page by page and not all together.
Let us now improve the above code to print the results in pages of 20 documents each. What we need here is to specify the "from record" and the "max number of records per page" in the query. The skip
and limit
functions are there to do these two things respectively. Let us rewrite the preceding code to make use of the pagination. First we will define the function that prints out the values and assign it to a variable func
; this is the same function we defined previously, inline to the forEach
function. We write it down again.
Let's get a cursor of the first 20 documents and then print all of them using the function defined previously. Since we want the first 20 documents we may choose to leave out the skip
function. By default if skip is not specified, the documents are fetched from the first one.
What's different in it than the previous queries is that there is an additional function call limit
with the number of items to display as the parameter to it. Execution of the previous two statements will give us an output as shown in the following screenshot:
Looks good, this printed out first 20 documents. Now let us print the next 20. We will use skip
method this time around as we want to skip the first 20 documents and get the next 20 from 21st document onwards. We type in the following statements to show the next 20 documents:
I am assuming that so far you are with me and executing things as and when we discuss. If you find something difficult, read again and try to understand the concept. Ok, getting back to the preceding executed statements. The output for it is as expected and should print documents from the 21st document onwards till document number 40.
If you carry on for more pages, you will be printing just 15 documents on the last page starting from document id 481. If you provide a value to skip that is more than the total number of documents, no exception will be thrown. Just no documents will be returned by the query.
Yet more comparison operators
Though Equals, Not Equals, and Regular expressions are sufficient for many requirements, we at times need to compare the values using the less than
, less than or equal to
, greater than
, and greater than or equal to
operators. We will now see how to use them in our Mongo query language. Let us say we want to find all the cities where the sex ratio is less than 800. The query for this in Mongo would be as follows:
The operator for Less Than is $lt
and for Less Than or Equal to is $lte
. The query is same as the condition sexRatio < 800
in SQL for a relational database.
In general, whenever you want to do a field less than value in Mongo, you will do as follows:
It is similar for Less than or equal to as well. Greater Than and Greater Than or Equal to is not different from the above two operators and you might have guessed that they are $gt
and $gte
respectively. Let us use Greater Than or Equal to, to find all the cities whose population is greater than or equal to 10 million (10,000,000). The query to get these cities is as follows:
An important thing to note is that a collection can have documents with different fields. Not all fields might be present in all documents, thanks to the schemaless nature of the collections in Mongo. What do you think will happen when we use such field with these $lt
, $lte
, $gt
, or $gte
operator? Mongo just will not return documents without the field used for comparison in the result. It will just include the documents which contain the field used in the condition and the value of that field satisfies the condition in the provided query. We won't face this problem in our cities collection as all the documents have same fields in them.
We have three more operators $in
, $nin
, and $all
that should complete what we call the comparison operators. Let us start with the In operator. If we recall from the Relational world, we have an In operator which can be used to find all the rows where the value of a particular column is in a particular set of values given. The In operator of Mongo is not different from its relational counterpart; it has the same semantics. Let us write a Mongo Query that will find the cities with name Kolkata and Chennai. The query for this is as follows:
That's it. You still haven't seen the coolest part. What do you think of the query below?
This query not only includes two cities Kolkata
and Chennai
, but also includes all the cities that match the given regular expression /Mumbai/
. It's like combining In and the Like operator together which doesn't work in relational database (you need to work around using or conditions for this). Since Mongo collections are schema less and the fields can contain values which are arrays, we need to consider two more things when using the $in
operator. If the field used in the In operator is not present in the document, the document is not selected. So only those documents containing the field and whose value is present in the set of values provided are selected. Another case is when the field is of the type array
, in this case the document will be selected if any of the values in the array match at least one value in the set provided to the In operator.
There is no prize for guessing that the Not In operator is $nin
and what it does. Let's quickly see one example though. Let's say we want to find a count of all cities except those in the state of MAHARASHTRA and KARNATAKA. Our query for it would be as follows:
If we however have a case where the field we use with the $nin
operator is not present in all the documents, then the documents not having this field will be selected as well. This is something you need to watch out. If you do not want these documents to be returned, then you have to check for the existence of the field in the document along with the $nin
operator. The existence of a field in the document is checked using the $exists
operator, which we will see soon.
Finally we take a look at the All operator $all
. The all operator can be used to check if a field in a document has all the values specified in the query. Though it is legal to use on any type of field, it really makes sense to use this operator of fields of type array, since arrays are the only types which can hold multiple values at the same time. Let's say we want to find the state which has both the cities Pune and Thane. The query for that would be as follows:
As we mentioned earlier, $all
operator can also be used on fields which contain single value. For example the query db.cities.find({city:{$all:["Pune"]}})
is perfectly valid and will return us one document, but using db.cities.find({city:"Pune"})
is more intuitive and definitely a preferred option. Thus it makes sense on fields of type array only.
Simple, isn't it? We have made good progress already and if you have tried out all the queries we have seen so far, which I am sure you have, then you are in a good position to write quite a substantial number of the queries using all the possible comparison operators, which should suffice for most of the use cases.
Checking for the existence of a field
Before we move ahead, let's take a look at the $exists
operator. The Exists operator will check for the existence or non existence of a particular field in a document. This is an interesting operator and has no operator similar to it in the Relational world. This operator exists because of the schema less nature of Mongo. Let us say that we want to find all states that do not have other information on them (the info
field will be absent in the document). The query for that is as follows:
This query is self-explanatory. All it does is selects all the documents where the info
field is not present in the documents in the collections. The $exists
with the boolean value of true will return all the documents containing the mentioned field irrespective of its value. It will even select those documents where the value of this field is null. It is important to note that this operator is not meant to select/exclude documents with null values of fields.
We now look at a few logical operators that can be used to perform the and
, or
, not
, and nor
conditions. If you have observed carefully all our queries, then you must have seen we have never used any of the logical operators. Let us take this query which we have seen earlier, as an example:
What we intend to do in this query is to find a city whose name is Pune and the state is MAHARASHTRA. Did we specify the and
condition in the above query? No, we didn't. We need not add one but it is implicit. The preceding query can also be expressed as follows:
This is done by making use of the $and
operator. The operator is expressed as {$and:[expression1, expression2 … expressionN]}
, where the evaluation of the next expressions stop if any of them evaluate to false.
You may be wondering why do we need the $and
operator? The original query without the operator looks simple. You will appreciate the existence of this operator when you see the scenario that we look at next. If you observe the cities
collection carefully, we have a field called isMetro
in some documents whose value is true or false. While it is absent in some documents. Let's say we execute the following query:
We get 487 cities. Clearly it shows that 8 cities (we have 495 in all) are metro cities. Of the 487 cities not all have the isMetro
field. So let us check the existence of this field and see how many cities we have which have this field present and is set to false. Basically we plan to find all the documents that have the isMetro
field but the value is not true.
We do so by amending the above query and add an $exists
operator, which we saw earlier.
This query looks good doesn't it? We are saying the field isMetro
exists and its value is not equal to true. Let's execute it. On execution, following are some of the documents in the result:
WHOA!! Something has gone wrong; we weren't expecting documents that don't contain the isMetro
field. Then how come they are present in the result? If you look at the query again, we have used the isMetro
field twice in two different conditions. Once for checking its existence and another for checking if its value is not equal to true
. This doesn't give you the result you expect. The query processor will only consider the last condition for a given field, in this case it is the $ne
operator. It will disregard the exists
operator. The $and
operator comes to the rescue in this situation. You can change the previous query to the following query:
After execution of the preceding query the output should look good. In this case the two conditions on isMetro
field are two separate expressions of the and
operator and hence it works fine. This was an extremely important thing to remember when writing a query.
Do not use the same field multiple times for multiple conditions in the same query as we did earlier. This will yield unexpected results.
There is however another way to achieve it and still not use the $and
operator. In cases like the one we just saw, where you want to use the same field multiple times, the query can be written as follows:
Ok, enough with the And operator. Let's see the Or operator now. Or is another commonly used boolean operator in queries. Not surprisingly it is $or
. Its usage is also identical to the $and
operator. It is also a short circuit operator like And operator where if any of the expression evaluates to true, rest of the expressions are not evaluated. Let us quickly see an example usage of it on our collection.
Let's find all the cities in ASSAM or NAGALAND. The query for that is:
We will look at two more logical operators, Not and Nor operator, we will just scratch the surface for these two operators and move on. Personally I don't think these operators will be used quite often. Nevertheless, let us see an example of their usage. The not operator will select all documents where the expression specified on a particular field of the document does not match. A document will be selected even if the provided field is not present in it.
Let us find the count of cities where the population is greater than 1 million.
Well, for this operation we really do not need the Not operator and can simply be achieved using db.cities.find({population:{$gt:1000000}}).count()
There is one big difference though in both the queries. Try changing the field population
in the query to something else that doesn't exist in the document. For example, use the following query:
You should see that the query using $gt
gives the count zero whereas the one using $not
gives the count 495, that is selects all the documents. Why did this happen? It is simply because the Not operator will select a document if the given field is not present in the document whereas $gt
operator doesn't. The choice of what operator to use is very crucial when querying using a field of the document which is not present in all the documents in a collection. We really don't need to consider this in a relational database as the column will be there for each and every row in a table. But in Mongo, remember that the collections are schema less.
The Nor operator will select a document if all the expressions given in the query do not match for the document, or the field used in the expression is not present in the document. But remember, all expressions should not match a document for it to be selected.
Let us find the count of all cities not in MAHARASHTRA and UTTAR PRADESH having population of 1 million and above (that is greater than or equal to 1 million).
This will select all the documents where all the three conditions given in the query, for the population less than 1000000, state equals MAHARASHTRA, and state equals UTTAR PRADESH will be false. The query can be also be expressed in terms of $and
, $gte
, and $ne
operators and the result will be identical. Since now you know all the operators, go ahead and give it a shot; see if the counts of the documents you get with the preceding query and the one you write are same. The results will vary in case the documents have disparate fields, and, those are used in query expressions as we have explained in the $not
Accessing the nested fields
How many of you have observed so far that all the queries we have used are using fields at the top level in a document? I am sure you have, right? Let us try and find the state whose capital is Mumbai. The query sounds simple isn't it? But there is a small challenge. If you look closely into the states
collection, the capital is not mentioned in all the documents and wherever it is given, it is in the inner document with field name info
and the field within the document is called capital
. The info field's value in documents looks something as follows:
So how do we find the state with its capital's city as Mumbai? It is simple, you simply type in the following query:
In the preceding command we accessed the nested field using
, which denotes that the capital
field is nested in the top level field info's value. You may access a field to any level in such a manner.
Phew, we have seen quite a lot of operators and it is getting difficult to remember these, isn't it? Don't worry though; once you start using them regularly you will get a good grip of them and they will look easy eventually. To make things slightly better we will have a section later where we will try putting most of the operators to use. But before we reach that section, let us take a look at the few remaining operators.
The type
operator will select all the documents where the type of a field is one of the mentioned BSON fields. There is a number associated with each type and we won't be showing it here. You can take a look at the Operator Reference page of MongoDB at for more information on various types available. Let us put the type operator to use. We know that the info field in the state's document has a value and it is a JSON document with some information given on all the states. The capital
field in this nested document is a string which is the capital city of the state. Let us see if there is a document present in the collection whose capital
field has a value other than string. The query will basically check for the existence of the capital field and then if it does, will check if its value is something other than string. The number representing string type is 2
The query to find such a state is as follows:
The query uses a combination of using nested field, $exists
operator, $not
operator, and the $type
operator. In plain English, it is like saying "
field exists and its type is not equal to string".
If you execute the previous query from the shell you will see there is a state that has a value for the capital
field which is not a string but it is another document. I have done this for two reasons:
Though MongoDB is schema less and doesn't enforce any type to a particular field, it is a bad practice to have values of different types for a field in different documents of the same collection. All other documents having the capital field have values of type string. A better approach would be to have two separate fields, say, summerCapital
and winterCapital
and not have the capital field at all in the document (the inner one which is the value of the info field) or rename the field as capitals. The application reading the document from the database however has to handle this condition in either cases. We will fix this problem later when we see how to update documents.
The size operator ($size
) is used to select the document based on the size of the array. In my opinion this isn't a very powerful operator and can only be used to check if the given array size is equal to a value or not. You will see what I mean. Let's try and find all the states that are bordering with 3 countries. To do this we simply have to check if the array in field neighbouringCountries
of the info document has size 3
or not. The query will be as follows:
Executing this should get you one state, WEST BENGAL. So far it sounds good. Now let us try to find the states that are bordering with 2 or more states. Unfortunately we cannot write this query using the $size
operator. The recommended way is to introduce another field which will be an integer value that will hold the size of the neighbouringCountries
field's array. This field should be updated by the application on addition or deletion of values from the array whose size it holds. If you introduce this field then you might never need to use the $size
operator assuming this value is consistent with the actual size of the array and that is why I feel this operator might not be too widely used. What's more? The query cannot use an index for $size
portion. We however can have an index over the number field which holds the size of the array and lets us query efficiently. Flip side is that the application is responsible for the consistency of this field with the size of the array but that's not too much of an effort.
We finish off with the slice operator ($slice
). When we select a particular document and the document has a field of type array, it will fetch the entire array. There could be too much of data to be retrieved or we might not be interested in all of them. The slice operator lets us retrieve what we exactly want. Look at this operator as a way to paginate the inner array type fields. Let us consider the previous query again, which found the state bordering 3 countries. The query is as follows:
This query also fetched a big list of cities in the cities
array though we are not interested in the cities. Suppose we want the top 5 cities, we would do the following:
Take a look at: for more details on the slice operator. You can find ways to get the bottom n elements of an array or some intermediate members of the array.
Now finally is the time to look at using some of these operators together. We shall look at a scenario and then write queries to retrieve data for it after doing some analysis.
We need to print out to the console a small report containing few details. The requirement is to get the name of the city, state, population, and sex ratio of all the metros (those in our database). Additionally we have to fetch the same details for top 3 most populous non metro cities in 3 largest states in terms of area. The output is expected in this format with cities printed in descending order of their population.
This might be slightly complex for a newbie in JavaScript but I will try to explain each and every line of the code we will write down. Let us first analyze the above statement and see how we can extract the required details. Looking at the fields we can extract all of them from the cities collection. However to extract the three largest states we will need to query the states collection too. Also, looking at the preceding output format required it is clear that we will need a small JavaScript code along with the queries. First we try to get the counts and get an idea of the number of results we can expect. We start by looking at the number of metros in our database.
Execute the following query to find the result:
This gives us a count of 8. Adding 9 to this which would be for 3 most populous non metro cities each from 3 largest states, we should have a total of 17 records in our report. We now write a JavaScript function that would extract the report for us in the required format.
Let us understand this piece of code. We have put in checkpoints in our code with some numbers as comments. We will be looking at the code and explaining what each of these lines do. Let's first look at the code between 1 and 2.
This query selects all states but just selects the state field, the field holding the name of the state from each document selected. Additionally, it sorts them by descending order of their area and limits the result to top 3 results. This then achieves the goal of finding the 3 largest states by area. Moving on and looking at the piece of code between 2 and 3.
This initializes an array to an empty array which will be used to hold the most populous non metro cities in the three largest states and a variable initialized to zero. The loop after initialization will iterate through the three largest states and for each of them fire one query in the cities collection where the state is same as the one in the current iteration of the loop and the city is not a metro. The cities again will be sorted by their population in descending order and limited to the top three results. This will achieve our goal of finding the top 3 populous non metro cities in the 3 largest states by area. For each query executed we iterate through all the 3 cities and add their names to the populousCities
The portion of the code after comment 3 simply executes another query on the cities collection where we select the city if it is a metro or if the city name is present in the populousCities
array we populated earlier. The final bit just iterates through the cursor returned and prints the result out with a lot of tabs (\t
) between each column. Do not bother much for the alignment of the result printed. The result printed out to the console looks like the following screenshot. The above typed code can then be directly pasted to the shell and the printReport
function invoked.
That takes care of the report needed and we have successfully applied some of our knowledge around querying the collections to extract the data out of them.
Inserts, updates, and upserts
We have so far seen a lot on how to query data from MongoDB. We will now see how to perform inserts and update the data in Mongo. Inserts are in fact very simple and there is not much to see. Let's start by adding a state SIKKIM to the states collection. Since the maximum value of the _id
in the states collection is 29, we assign the value 30 to this one. Start by creating a document for the state as follows:
What we have done here is create a new variable in the shell called state
and assigned it a document for the Sikkim state. We have explicitly chosen the value 30 for _id
field as not providing one will generate a default value on insert of the document by the Mongo server. To insert this document execute the following on the Mongo shell:
And that's it, we now have the state's document created. To double check let us query the states collection for Sikkim. Executing the following query should give you one document. If it does then all is fine and we have successfully inserted the document in the collection.
Now that we have a state, let us add some cities to it. We have the field called cities whose value is an array. We start by adding the capital of the state, Gangtok. Before we execute any update let us backup the state's document (you will soon see why).
Now let's go for the update, execute the following script to perform an update operation on the document:
Now, let us query the states collection to see the result. Execute the following query:
This is what we see
Huh?? What happened? Weren't we expecting to just update the cities field of the document? Isn't this what we do in a relational database, just provide the values to update and a where condition?
Let's look at the update once again:
The first part of the update is straightforward and is the criteria to match the document(s). The second one is bit tricky; it is the document that will replace the entire existing document and not an incremental update as we might expect. All the fields provided here will replace the existing fields except the _id
field, which is immutable of the existing document. That is the reason why we lost the field state. Fortunately we have a backup of the original document. Let us modify this document to add the cities array to the state with one city in it. Execute the following code to achieve this:
You may see what the document looks like by typing in sikkim
on the command prompt and hit Enter. Let's update it back. Execute the following update:
On querying the database we see that the state's document is as we had expected it to be. But hold on; are we saying to update just one field we need to provide the entire document? Things get worse if the document is big. It just doesn't sound right. Isn't it?
Update operators to our rescue
Let us start off by the setting a field of a document. We use the same document for state Sikkim and add to it some info. We will first set the capital of the state. Execute the following update:
This simply sets a new field called info
in the document for state SIKKIM
whose value is another document. Go ahead and query for the state in the states collection, you shall see the result is as expected and should now contain the newly added field info
. Similarly the unset
operator is used to unset a field from the document. This will take the field off from the document all together. Let us try using it with the info
If you query for the document again, you will see the info field is now gone. Do put it back again using the $set
operator we saw earlier. As you must have observed the value of the field info in the unset operation is irrelevant we have provided an empty text and yet the field is removed. The field will be removed irrespective of the value.
Another interesting operator is the rename
operator; it can be used to rename the value of a field atomically. Do you remember we came across a situation where the value of the capital field of the info document is not a string value but another document and we said such design is highly discouraged? Well, if you don't remember you may skim back few pages and look for the page where we introduced the $type
operator. First execute the following query to see that state's document. Take a note of the _id
field as we will be using it to query for this document later after executing the rename operation.
Just to recap, the following query finds the document for the state that has the field
but not of type string.
We have decided that we rename the capital
field of the document given in the info
field to value capitals as this would mean that all the documents in the collection will then have the type of the capital
field as a string. Let us use the rename operator to achieve this:
The update statement is self-explanatory; it just renames the field
to info.capitals
, which matches the query provided to the update. Execute the following query and see the result:
The field capital
would have been renamed to capitals
We will now look at array operators and start by adding a new city to the array of cities in the Sikkim state's document. The document for the state currently looks like the following code:
Let us see the $push
operator first, which will add another city to the cities array. The general form of the push operator is as follows:
We want to add a new city, Pelling, to the cities array in the state's document and we achieve it using the following update:
On querying you shall see that the cities array has one more city and now has two of them in all. The $pushAll
operator is similar to the $push
operator but is used to push multiple elements to the array at a time. The value in this case will be an array instead of the string used in push. The following update will add two more cities, Gezing and Mangan, to the cities array:
The $push
and $pushAll
operators are however not idempotent, meaning, on executing the update multiple times the same cities will be duplicated in the cities array. To ensure that the update is idempotent there is an operator $addToSet
. The operator is same as $push
except that the given value will not be added to the array if it already exists, thus making multiple updates using $addToSet
idempotent. We are not showing its usage here but you may give a try to add a new city using $addToSet
and execute the update multiple times. Try doing the same with the push operator.
To remove values from an array, we have the $pop
, $pull
, and $pullAll
operators. The $pop
operator can be used to remove elements from the head or tail of an array. Let us use this operator to remove an element from the cities array of the same state.
This will remove the last element from the cities array. The value 1
indicates that the last/tail element of the array needs to be popped; the value -1
will remove the first element from the array. Go ahead, find the document and see which element has been popped out after executing the above update. It should be the city Mangan
that would get removed.
We at times might be interested in removing certain values from the array rather than the head and tail of it. The $pull
and $pullAll
can be used to achieve this. Let us execute the following update which removes the city Pelling
, which is in the middle of the cities array:
This will remove all the elements from the array with the value provided. In this case, the string was present only once, but if it was present multiple times, all of them would have been removed. The $pullAll
operator on other hand can be used to remove multiple values from the array and accepts the array of values to remove rather than a single value.
There are some more operators used for updating the documents. Refer to the operators at for more details.
Before we finish off with the inserts and updates let me tell you that the update
function takes two more parameters of boolean type. The general form of an update is as follows:
We have away used the first two parameters as the remaining two parameters default to false. The third parameter is for upsert
. It means Update + Insert all in an atomic operation. Let us consider the following update:
This update intends to update the cities field of the document whose _id
is 31
and state
is GOA
. But since the document doesn't exist in the first place nothing will be updated. Let us change this update to the one given as follows. We just add another parameter which is a boolean value, true
Now try querying the database with the following query:
You should see one document. What upsert
does is, try to find a document with the given query and apply the update on it if one exists. If however, there is no document matching the given query, then insert the document given in the query (the first parameter of update) and execute the update on this inserted document and all this is done atomically.
Finally let us see what the fourth parameter means. By default an update, unlike in relational database, in Mongo always updates the first matching document and not all the documents that match the given query (first parameter). To enforce an update to all the matches, we need to explicitly provide this parameter and the value should be provided as true.
We are now done with Create, Read, and Update of documents. What's remaining is Delete. Generally the delete takes the following form:
The method to delete is remove
and not delete. What this method does is, remove all the documents that match the query in absence of the second parameter or its value is false. If the second parameter is provided and its value is true (or 1). Then only the first document that matches the given query is deleted.
Update by default only updates the first matching document for the given query. It will update all the documents only if the fourth parameter's value to update function is true(or 1). On the other hand, remove will remove all the documents matching the given query by default unless you explicitly ask to remove only the first matching document for the given query by passing its value as true(or 1). This might be confusing but very important concept to remember.
That's it; we are done with delete operations too and have now completed all the Create, Update, Read, and Delete operations.
Design something that does not exist
In this section we will be looking at two of the crucial aspects of designing the schema for Mongo. One is about creation of indexes on a collection and another is about deciding upon various factors in designing the collections for a given use case. We start with the index creation.
People from relational database background know what indexes are, it is used for the same purpose in Mongo. To explain in brief what an index is, it is a data structure created from a subset of fields of a document in a collection that will allow the user to search and retrieve documents in a collection quickly. Mongo uses B-trees for storing indexes internally. B-tree is basically an n-ary tree (a tree whose each node is with n children) where the data is stored in it in sorted order as we descend the tree. We will not get in the details of B-trees and a quick search on the web will give you the necessary details. Let us proceed and execute the following query on the Mongo shell. It is used to find a city called Pune
Executing this query should return you one document. Now it is interesting how this document was retrieved and how fast was it? We want to see how many documents were scanned in all to retrieve this document. We know that our cities collection has 495 cities. To get the plan of the query execution execute the below query. A query plan is nothing but some statistics about a query execution. There are various important figures and details in this statistics, which we will see next, that lets us tune things to enable faster retrieval of the result from the collections.
We will see some important fields of this explain plan result. First is the cursor
field. This shows the cursor used for the query execution. BasicCursor
essentially means that the whole collection was scanned to retrieve the document. This is the worst thing to have for any query execution. So if we see this in the plan of our query, especially on big collections where query times are crucial, then there is a huge scope of optimization. How? Stay tuned. If an index is used for the query execution, then we should see BtreeCursor
followed by the index name as the value of the field.
Next is the isMultiKey
field. This field is a boolean value which indicates that if an index is used for query execution, a field used in the index has an array value. This is basically due to the fact how indexes are created if a field of type array is used in the index. Let us say we have an array of size 5 in a document. Then the index's B-tree will have 5 entries, one for each element of the array and each entry pointing to the same document.
The field n
gives the number of documents returned by the query execution, in this case 1
. The field nscannedObjects
gives us the total number of documents scanned in the collection to retrieve the result of this query. In this case all the documents were scanned as there is no index in place. scanAndOrder
field is a boolean value, and when true, tells us if records were sorted by Mongo server before returning the result or if an index was used for query execution, it was not used for sorting the results. The value will be false if the user didn't request the results to be sorted or the sort order requested in the query can be achieved using the indexes.
is the time is milliseconds to execute the query. server
indicates the MongoDB server. We will also see the field indexOnly
is after we see how we create indexes on a collection. To create an index on collection of cities, execute the following command:
This creates an index on one field, city
and the value 1
indicates that the index is sorted in ascending order. Let us see how this index creation helped us in improving the performance of the query. We see the query plan again. Execute the following query:
As we can see in the preceding screenshot, there is a significant improvement and just one document was scanned and returned, thanks to the index created on the city field. You may be wondering why was the order of the index provided when we created an index. It doesn't make much sense when you are returning the documents in the natural order or if the index is on a single field as in this case. But if you are sorting the result set of a multi field index or compound index, the sort order does matter. For example if we have created a compound index on two fields x and y of any document as follows {x:1, y:-1}
, then we are creating an index with x in ascending order and y in descending order. If your query uses a sort function then creating an index with the order same as your sort function requests the sort of these two fields will give you better query performance. Generally, index is used to get a reference to the document and then another IO operation fetches the entire document that is returned as a result of the user query. Though indexes make query fast, there is still some room for optimization. If you are not interested in the entire document and just interested in some fields and there is an index available with these fields, then use projection to just select a subset of these fields. In this case we have an index on city, so let us write a query that will fetch just the city field of the document. Execute the following query and we should see just the field in the result document:
Now, let's execute and explain plan using the following:
We can see that the value of the field indexOnly
is true
. This indicates that the result of the query was provided only by accessing the index and the IO operation to access the entire document as in case where we selected the whole document is avoided getting the result even more quickly. Such queries where the result can be covered using the fields in the index only are known as covered queries.
Only one index is used for a query out of multiple indexes and an appropriate index is chosen automatically by the query optimizer. You may choose to tell MongoDB to use a particular index using the hint method. Generally we let the query optimizer choose one automatically and not specify one explicitly. More information on hints can be found here Also, for query to be covered you need to choose the fields those are present in the index that is used for query execution. You cannot choose fields from different indexes in a projection and expect the query to be covered.
There is however no free lunch, though indexes improve the query performance they slow down inserts and updates, hence you need to be very careful while creating indexes and create only those you would need else there is an additional overhead to update all the relevant indexes on insert and update of documents. If you are doing a bulk import operation it is better to drop the index and recreate them after the import is complete as that would be a faster option.
Designing the collections
Let's try modeling a simple scenario. Throughout this book we have used the census schema to perform various queries, now we will look at a different scenario of an online education application which will help us design look at some the schema designing concepts. The description of the case we are trying to model is as follows.
Design the schema for an online education system. System will contain multiple courses put up by various universities and each of them will span over a few weeks. Students can enroll for various courses where they view the videos/slides uploaded and submit their assignments periodically before the deadline. Their scores will be recorded and they will be added to the final examination score at the end of the course which decides whether the student has passed or failed. Each course will be conducted by one or more lecturers.
The requirement is not too complex and we will not get deep into it and focus on some minute details. We first model this in a relational database and then in Mongo. I am assuming that many of us have come from a relational database background. When asked to design this use case in a relational database we will come up with an excellent schema design. However, when designing with Mongo we need to think different and not in a way how we might do it in a relational model. The schema design we will be doing below will serve as an example and shows exactly where the two differ so that we are in a good position to design a Mongo schema given a use case in future.
Let us first try to note down the entities and then their relations.
The first entity we will have is for a Student, it should have basic details like the name, age, date she signed up, account status, and so on. We will keep things simple and leave out other additional details like the membership type, preferences, contact details, and so on. Next entity will be the Course
entity which will contain the data about the course like the Name, the university it is offered by, the start date, and so on. A course can belong to one or more categories. This should enable students to search by the category of the course hence we will hence have a CourseCategory
entity. There will be many lecturers conducting the course thus we shall have a Lecturer
entity. Each course has contents and is divided in parts where new content is released weekly. The attributes of this entity is the part's name, start date, end date, and so on. Each part of the course has some content present. The content could be a link to the videos/presentation or some free text to be displayed (it could also be the video files itself saved in the database, but we will keep things simple and assume that it is a link to the video stored elsewhere (in case of videos). We will call this entity a CourseContent
entity. Many such Course contents will be grouped into one complete course content. We will name this entity CourseContentGroup
entity since this groups the content of the course released. There would also be a foreign key reference to the CourseContentGroup
from CourseContent
entity, as this content can belong to exactly one group. Each part of the course has one or more assignments associated to it. The assignment entity will contain attributes like the text describing the assignment, its due date, and so on. It will also contain a foreign key reference to the CourseContent
entity. This entity is called CourseAssignment
. Finally, a student submits her assignments. So we need an entity to store the answers submitted. The entity will have a foreign key reference to the student's entity telling which student this assignment belongs to and a foreign key to the CourseAssignment
entity. We call this entity AssignmentSubmission
The following image shows various entities and the relations between them:
We can see there are a few many-to-many relations too which needs join tables to join these entities together. We will require join tables for Student to Course, Lecturer to Course, and a Course to CourseCategory entities. Thus we have eight entities and three join tables which sums up to 11 tables in all.
We can see how things can get complicated even for a simple use case (we have even left out a lot of minute details). The schema is not very change friendly. It is quite rigid and not flexible to accommodate new requirements and features. For example, consider we decide to add a final examination at the end of the entire course. In this case we will need to add another table to store those assignment questions. We cannot use the CourseAssignment
table as these questions are not related to a specific CourseContent
but to the whole course itself. Similarly, to store the answers of a student we will need another table and soon there is a table explosion. Now this is not the only way we can design the relational schema and other ways exists but those too might not be clean and need some workarounds and hacks to accommodate these changes.
We have had enough discussion around the relational database design. Let us look at how to design the same use case using Mongo. We will be designing the use case using three collections. Yes, you read it right, just three collections and those are Student, Course, and Lecturer. But what about other details, where will we be fitting those in? Well, we will be keeping all those in one of the above three collections. Let's see how. We start with the simplest collection of all, the Lecturer collection. The attributes of this collection are no different than the columns of the relational database. The document looks something like this:
Nothing extraordinary, it just contains plain simple attributes about the lecturer conducting the courses, same as those we would have in a relational database. Now the things start getting interesting. Let us take a look at a document in a Course collection:
Ok, don't be scared by looking at the document. We will break it up now and see what it exactly does. The top five fields _id
, name
, university
, startDate
, duration
are pretty self-explanatory and are used to give the unique course id, name of the course, the university which offers it a, start date of the course, and the duration respectively. Next, the category field, this one is an array of free text and holds various categories this course can be classified in. This will facilitate the search of various courses based on categories. Relational databases achieved using a many to many relation between Course
and CourseCategory
tables, which needed three tables including a join table to achieve this mapping.
The lecturer field is an array and holds an array of numbers. When we say array of numbers, we haven't defined any constraints for the field for the type it can hold at the database level but it is something we have enforced in our application. Not only this is an array of numbers, but also all the numbers act as key to the lecturer's ID in the Lecturer
collection, this is called linking. Again there is nothing in the database to enforce this similar to having foreign key references in Relational DB. This is the integrity that the application accessing the data is supposed to enforce and maintain.
You must be wondering, what good this is then? Isn't it better to enforce the constraints as we do in the relational database? The answer is, the Mongo developers have done some research before developing the database and they found that many times applications duplicate the validations at application layer despite having constraints at database level. So it is better to let go of the constraints at database side and gain on performance and flexibility to scale the system. Now it makes sense doesn't it? Another thing we should pay attention to. Both the course to categories (the categories field) and the course to lecturer relationship (the lecturers field) are many-to-many. Yet in case of categories we have the categories specified in the array in the document, that is, embedded them in the document. For the lecturer relation however, we have linking to the documents in an external collection. Why is it so? First thing you need to remember is always prefer embedding to linking. Resort to linking only in case where it doesn't make sense to duplicate the same document in multiple documents by embedding. For example, embedding the entire lecturer's document in the lecturer's array of the course's document would not be a great idea especially since we know that the same document might be duplicated in many other courses conducted by the same lecturer. Down side of linking is, we cannot join two documents in Mongo and we need to fire separate queries from application to fetch the related, linked documents.
There is a hybrid approach though which addresses the problem of additional queries to some extent. Consider in our application we will be showing a list of courses offered, the start date, duration and who is/are the lecturer(s). With the current schema design we will have first query the course's collection and then fire another query with the distinct lecturer's ID from the retrieved courses to fetch the lecturers. We will have to then manually map the retrieved lecturer's document to the lecturer's ID in the course's documents. This is painful, verbose, does not scale well and prone to errors. A slight change in the schema can however address this problem. The idea is, rather than duplicating the entire lecturer's document across multiple course's documents, duplicate just the minimum required fields. Let us say just duplicate the lecturer's name. So after the modification the lecturer's array might look as follows:
The above approach has duplicated the lecturer's name in the course's document as well as the lecturer's document. We still link the lecturer from the course's document but now we need to query for the entire lecturer's document only if we need additional details about the lecturer. In the preceding case where we want to show the course details summary we need not query the lecturer's collection as our course's collection now has all the information, the name of the course, start date, duration, and the lecturer's names within it. Embedding versus Linking is a very crucial decision of schema design and is relevant mostly in many-to-many relations as in the previous two cases we saw. It will also come into picture for Many to One case if we plan to keep reference to the one side on the many side.
Moving on, we look at the content
field. This is a one-to-many relation from course's perspective and is easy to model. We simply embed the content in the course's document. The course content will never be used by any other course and hence linking doesn't make sense leaving us with embedding as the only choice. The content field's type is an array where each element of the array is a document representing a part of the entire course's content. This document which represents the part of the course in turn contain more fields like the name of the part, summary of the part, an external link to the video lectures uploaded and also the details of the assignments related to this part of the course. The assignment in turn will be another document containing the details of the assignment. When new content of the course is released all the application needs to do is add a new document representing the part of the newly releases course in the content array of the main course document in the collection. (Can you guess how? We have looked at this operator in an early section of the book).
Finally, the finalAssignment
field is an array that contains multiple documents. Each one is an assignment that will be a part of the final exam of the course. Now if you recall, in the relational database after the schema was designed accommodating the change to incorporate the final assignments with the course, we needed some more tables and more joins between them. In Mongo it was as simple as adding an additional field in the course's document. That's the beauty of the schemaless feature of Mongo. That covers the course document. We will quickly look at the student's document without getting into many details as the concepts for designing this is same as what we did for the course's document.
The preceding student document now must be looking convincing and easy to you'll after seeing the course's document in detail, isn't it? Let us see how we have structured it. The field name, dateOfBirth
, aboutMe
, website
, email
are self-explanatory and the values are simple string values except for the dateOfBirth
field which is a date field. Next two fields, the coursesEnrolled
and assignmentSubmissions
are arrays of documents and give us the information about the courses the student has enrolled to and various assignment submissions. This was achieved in relational database by having many-to-many relation between Student
and Course
table and Student
and CourseAssignment
table respectively. This needed a total of three master tables and two join tables to perform the job, which is achieved using just two fields in the student's collection. The coursesEnrolled
could have been an array of string values where each value links to a courseId
in the course's document. But we chose an approach we discussed earlier and decided to add the name of the course along with the courseId
and make the individual elements in an array a document rather than a simple string value. This enables us to show in the student's profile page the names of the courses the student has enrolled for without firing additional queries on the course's document to retrieve just the course's name for, the summary of the profile. But remember, in case of scenarios where the name of the course has changed, you need to update two collections as the name of the course is redundantly stored in the student's document as well.
For the assignmentSubmission
field, we have an array with documents storing the assignment id and the answer to the assignment. As you must have observed, we have chosen to use the same field for storing both the final assignment and the assignments given at the end of a part of the course. That is because both these assignments have a different format for ID and we can distinguish this based on the appropriate question this answer is for. You may also choose to have two separate fields in the student's document to store the final assignment and the assignment related to a part of the course.
Another important aspect to consider is, what is to be done for the history? The student possibly has enrolled for many courses in the past and has submitted a lots of assignments. Do we store all that in the student's document? The trouble with that is, the document will get bigger and bigger over a period of time and we will have face some performance issues and also the maximum size of the document is 16MB, which is huge. A better idea is to have some sort of jobs setup that will remove the data of the historical courses and the assignment related to those from the student's document and move it to another collection meant for archival. The structure of the document in this archival collection can be same as the students' collection or can be completely different. The idea is to keep the documents in the students' collection as lean as possible and not allow them to grow fat.
Phew, that was quite a lot of reading to do trying to tell what needs to done for the schema designing. With that we have finished the most important aspects of schema design.