Facehuggers implanting data
Hugging Face (https://huggingface.co) is a company based in New York City that started by developing a chatbot targeted at teens before they open sourced the ML model behind the chatbot. After open sourcing their model, Hugging Face changed up their business model so that it focused on constructing a full-blown platform for ML. As a platform, they host the following:
- Git-based repositories for ML models
- Datasets consisting of text, images, video, and audio
- Web applications for providing small-scale ML demos
They also provide a variety of libraries for use in ML workflows, such as transformers, tokenizers, accelerators, and (importantly) a dataset library. This dataset library is what we’re going to focus on for the moment.
On the Hugging Face Hub, there is an extremely large number of datasets that are curated by a community of developers and data scientists. Many of these datasets are public, while others are private and...