- Angle tool
- about / Basic selections – lines, length, and profiles
- Anonymize IJ DICOM
- URL / Study anonymization
- Apache Commons Math library
- URL / Using external libraries
- Application Programming Interface (API)
- URL / ImageJ plugins
- Auto Local Threshold plugin
- URL / Auto Threshold and Auto Local Threshold
- Auto Threshold
- URL / Auto Threshold and Auto Local Threshold
- batch mode
- about / The batch mode
- BinaryProcessor object / A sample plugin
- BMP / Opening images with a certain format
- ByteProcessor method / A sample plugin
- clustering
- about / Clustering
- color images
- about / Color and multichannel images
- Constrain aspect ratio option / Image resizing
- control structure
- about / Control structures
- for loop / The for loop
- while loop / The while loop
- if (condition) and if (condition) else statements / The if (condition) and if (condition) … else statements
- 3D volume rendering
- about / 3D volume rendering
- dialogCanceled variable / Adding a GUI to your plugin
- DICOM / Opening images with a certain format
- DICOM Rewriter
- URL / Study anonymization
- digital images
- about / Opening images with a certain format, 3D and 4D images – stacks and hyperstacks
- dimensions
- of image, obtaining / Obtaining the dimensions of an image
- distance / Volume Viewer
- documentation
- Windows, URL / Installing ImageJ
- Mac OS, URL / Installing ImageJ
- Linux, URL / Installing ImageJ
- DOES_8G, DOES_RGB, DOES_ALL constant / The PlugInFilter interface
- DOES_16, DOES_32, DOES_8C constant / The PlugInFilter interface
- DOES_ALL constant / Adding a GUI to your plugin
- DOES_STACKS constant / The PlugInFilter interface
- DONE constant / The PlugInFilter interface
- Eclipse IDE
- ImageJ, setting up / Setting up ImageJ under the Eclipse IDE
- Eclipse ImageJ plugin
- about / Our first Eclipse ImageJ plugin
- edge detection
- about / Edge detection
- external libraries
- using / Using external libraries
- about / The Fourier transform
- FigureJ
- URL / FigureJ
- about / FIJI (Fiji Is Not ImageJ)
- URL / FIJI (Fiji Is Not ImageJ)
- File.openDialog(message) function / Opening an image from a macro
- FITS / Opening images with a certain format
- FloatProcessor object / A sample plugin
- for loop / The for loop
- Fourier transform
- about / The Fourier transform
- frequency domain
- image filtering / Image filtering in the frequency domain
- functions
- about / Defining functions
- Gap between images / Reading raw data
- GenericDialog class / Adding a GUI to your plugin
- getNextNumber() method / Adding a GUI to your plugin
- GIF / Opening images with a certain format, Color and multichannel images
- Google Scholar
- URL / What ImageJ is for (and what it is not for)
- adding, to plugins / Adding a GUI to your plugin
- adding, to plugin / Adding a GUI to your plugin
- histogram
- about / Image histogram and window/level parameters
- Hue, Saturation, Brightness (HSB) / Color and multichannel images
- IEEE Xplore
- URL / What ImageJ is for (and what it is not for)
- if (condition) and if (condition) else statements / The if (condition) and if (condition) … else statements
- image
- regions, selecting for / Selecting regions of your image
- opening, from macro / Opening an image from a macro
- opened images, finding / Finding out how many images are open
- dimensions, obtaining / Obtaining the dimensions of an image
- specific image, selecting / Selecting a specific image
- registration / Image registration
- image filtering
- in spatial domain / Image filtering in the spatial domain
- in frequency domain / Image filtering in the frequency domain
- ImageJ
- about / ImageJ – history and motivation
- installing / Installing ImageJ
- stable version, URL for downloading / Installing ImageJ
- window / First run
- installation, updating / Updating the installation
- configuration, options / Configuration options
- memory limit, increasing / Memory limit increase
- macro / What is an ImageJ macro
- plugins / ImageJ plugins
- setting up, under Eclipse IDE / Setting up ImageJ under the Eclipse IDE
- ImageJ Information and Documentation Portal
- URL / Summary
- ImageJ plugin API
- about / The ImageJ plugin API
- image overlay
- about / The ROI manager and the image overlay
- ImagePlus object / A sample plugin
- ImageProcessor object / A sample plugin, The PlugInFilter interface
- images
- opening, with certain format / Opening images with a certain format
- title / Opening images with a certain format
- properties, information text / Opening images with a certain format
- digital image / Opening images with a certain format
- online sample images / Online sample images
- saving / Saving images
- zomming in / Zooming on the image and pixel values
- resizing / Image resizing
- image segmentation
- about / Image segmentation
- installation
- ImageJ / Installing ImageJ
- ImageJ, on Windows / Windows
- ImageJ, on Linux / Linux / Mac OS
- ImageJ, on Mac OS / Linux / Mac OS
- updating / Updating the installation
- Java
- URL / Installing ImageJ
- jClustering
- URL / Clustering
- JPG / Opening images with a certain format
- Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation (LOCI) / LOCI Bio-Formats
- lines
- about / Basic selections – lines, length, and profiles
- Linux
- ImageJ, installing / Linux / Mac OS
- Live button / Basic selections – lines, length, and profiles
- local thresholding / Auto Threshold and Auto Local Threshold
- LOCI Bio-Formats
- about / LOCI Bio-Formats
- lookup table (LUT) / Opening images with a certain format
- Mac OS
- ImageJ, installing / Linux / Mac OS
- macro
- about / What is an ImageJ macro
- reader / The macro recorder
- running / Running macros
- recorded macro, modifying / Modifying a recorded macro
- language / More about the macro language – basic syntax and operators
- debugging / A brief note on debugging a macro
- on ImageJ website / Some useful procedures
- image, opening from / Opening an image from a macro
- speeding up / Speeding up a macro
- GUI, adding to / Adding a GUI to your macro
- installing / Installing macros for easy access
- directory / Shared macros – the ImageJ macro directory
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) / 3D and 4D images – stacks and hyperstacks
- Measure button / The ROI manager and the image overlay
- memory
- limit, increasing / Memory limit increase
- MosaicJ
- URL / MosaicJ
- NIH Image / ImageJ – history and motivation
- NO_UNDO constant / The PlugInFilter interface
- Offset to first image / Reading raw data
- particle analysis
- about / Particle analysis
- PGM / Opening images with a certain format
- pixel / Opening images with a certain format
- pixel values
- zooming in / Zooming on the image and pixel values
- PlugIn / A sample plugin
- PlugInFilter interface
- about / A sample plugin, The PlugInFilter interface
- plugins
- about / ImageJ plugins
- installing / Installing a plugin
- sample / A sample plugin
- GUI, adding / Adding a GUI to your plugin
- ImageJ plugin API / The ImageJ plugin API
- Eclipse ImageJ plugin / Our first Eclipse ImageJ plugin
- sharing / Sharing your plugin
- PNG / Opening images with a certain format
- profiles
- about / Basic selections – lines, length, and profiles
- Projection Method / 3D and 4D images – stacks and hyperstacks
- pseudo color / Color and multichannel images
- PubMed
- URL / What ImageJ is for (and what it is not for)
- RankFilters class / Adding a GUI to your plugin
- raw data
- reading / Reading raw data
- regions
- selecting, for image / Selecting regions of your image
- regions of interest
- drawing, over area / Drawing regions of interest over an area
- manager / The ROI manager and the image overlay
- requires(version) function / Adding a GUI to your macro
- results / Basic selections – lines, length, and profiles
- RGB / Color and multichannel images
- ROI_REQUIRED constant / The PlugInFilter interface
- run method / A sample plugin, The PlugInFilter interface
- Scale parameter / Volume Viewer
- segmentation
- about / Thresholding
- selectImage(id) function / Selecting a specific image
- setBatchMode(arg) function / Speeding up a macro, The batch mode
- ShortProcessor method / A sample plugin
- URL / SIOX (Simple Interactive Object Extraction)
- spatial domain
- image filtering / Image filtering in the spatial domain
- Stack functions / A note on slices, frames, and channels
- Stackreg
- about / Stackreg
- stacks / 3D and 4D images – stacks and hyperstacks
- STACK_REQUIRED constant / The PlugInFilter interface
- thresholding / Thresholding
- TIFF / Opening images with a certain format
- trainable Weka segmentation
- URL / The trainable Weka segmentation
- Transfer Function / Volume Viewer
- variables
- about / Variables
- var keyword / Installing macros for easy access
- Volume Viewer
- about / Volume Viewer
- voxel / 3D and 4D images – stacks and hyperstacks
- while loop / The while loop
- Windows
- ImageJ, installing / Windows