Creating an application from a template
We need to follow the steps given next to create an application on our local PC or laptop from a template:
Select File | Application | New, the New Application dialog box will open.
In the Server field, leave the value of Local. This means that the application we are creating will be saved onto our local PC or laptop.
Enter a Title for the application.
The File Name will be automatically filled in from the title of the application. We can change the filename if desired. The application will be saved into the Lotus Notes data directory; to change this click the folder button.
By default the application will be encrypted with our ID, which means only our ID will be able to open it. This is a security measure and is highly recommended. To remove encryption, click the Encryption button and select Do Not Locally Encrypt this database.
Check the Create a full text index for searching option. If the application has an index, searching is very fast and we can search...