Time for action – Handling moves
Now, we will add a function that allows the user to control his character.
To do so, we need to listen for when a key is pressed to set the speed of the character, and for when a key is depressed in order to set the speed to 0.
We will also store the speed as a static variable:
class Game { static var player : Guy; static var horizontalSpeed : Int = 0; public static function main(): Void { player = new Guy(); //Add it to the stage flash.Lib.current.stage.addChild(player); //Place it at the good place on stage. player.x = 200; player.y = 300; player.width=50; player.height = 100; flash.Lib.current.stage.addEventListener(flash.events.KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown); flash.Lib.current.stage.addEventListener(flash.events.KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp); } private static function keyDown(args : flash.events.KeyboardEvent) { trace(args.keyCode); switch(args.keyCode...